
Ajit Bapat

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5 Jan Schümmer, Thomas Tesch, Daniel A. Tietze, Ajit Bapat: Introducing groupware in administrative environments - experiences from the POLIWORK project. HCI (2) 1999: 492-496
4EEDaniel A. Tietze, Ajit Bapat, Rolf Reinema: Document-Centric Groupware for Distributed Governmental Agencies. CAiSE 1998: 173-190
3EEAjit Bapat, Jörg Geißler, David L. Hicks, Norbert A. Streitz, Daniel A. Tietze: From Electronic Whiteboards to Distributed Meetings: Extending the Scope of DOLPHIN (Video Program). CSCW 1996: 10
2EEAjit Bapat, Jürgen Wäsch, Karl Aberer, Jörg M. Haake: HyperStorM: An Extendable Object-Oriented Hypermedia Engine. Hypertext 1996: 203-214
1 Jörg M. Haake, Ajit Bapat, Thomas Knopik: Using a Hypermedia System for Systems Engineering. MHVR 1994: 3-16

Coauthor Index

1Karl Aberer [2]
2Jörg Geißler [3]
3Jörg M. Haake [1] [2]
4David L. Hicks [3]
5Thomas Knopik [1]
6Rolf Reinema [4]
7Jan Schümmer [5]
8Norbert A. Streitz (Norbert Streitz, N. Streitz) [3]
9Thomas Tesch [5]
10Daniel A. Tietze [3] [4] [5]
11Jürgen Wäsch [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)