
David Rees

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20EEYong He, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees, Min Wu: H. Signal Processing 89(3): 275-282 (2009)
19EEXi-Ming Sun, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees, Wei Wang: Delay-dependent stability for discrete systems with large delay sequence based on switching techniques. Automatica 44(11): 2902-2908 (2008)
18EEYun-Bo Zhao, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees: A Predictive Control-Based Approach to Networked Hammerstein Systems: Design and Stability Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(3): 700-708 (2008)
17EEWenshan Hu, Guoping Liu, David Rees: Networked Predictive Control System with Data Compression. ICNSC 2007: 52-57
16EEYun-Bo Zhao, Guoping Liu, David Rees: Time Delay Compensation and Stability Analysis of Networked Predictive Control Systems Based on Hammerstein Model. ICNSC 2007: 808-811
15EEYuanqing Xia, Jie Chen, Guoping Liu, David Rees: Stability Analysis of Networked Predictive Control Systems with Random Network Delay. ICNSC 2007: 815-820
14EEYong He, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees: New Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Neural Networks With Time-Varying Delay. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(1): 310-314 (2007)
13EEYong He, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees, Min Wu: Stability Analysis for Neural Networks With Time-Varying Interval Delay. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(6): 1850-1854 (2007)
12EEGuo-Ping Liu, Yuanqing Xia, David Rees, Wenshan Hu: Design and Stability Criteria of Networked Predictive Control Systems With Random Network Delay in the Feedback Channel. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 37(2): 173-184 (2007)
11EEYuanqing Xia, Guo-Ping Liu, Peng Shi, David Rees, E. J. C. Thomas: New stability and stabilization conditions for systems with time-delay. Int. J. Systems Science 38(1): 17-24 (2007)
10EEYuanqing Xia, Peng Shi, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees: Output Feedback Control of Discrete Systems with Time-Varying Delay. ICICIC (3) 2006: 504-507
9 Zi-ze Liang, En Li, Min Tan, Guo-Ping Liu, David Rees: Control of Inspection Robots for Power Transmission Lines Based on Remote Video over Internet. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 877-882
8EEDavid Rees, Ying Guo, Arturo López Ariste, Jonathan Graham: Real Time Stokes Inversion Using Multiple Support Vector Regression. KES 2004: 388-394
7EEMing Qu, Frank Y. Shih, Ju Jing, Haimin Wang, David Rees: Automatic Solar Flare Tracking. KES 2004: 419-425
6EERonald Bewley, David Rees, Paul Berg: The impact of stock market volatility on corporate bond credit spreads. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 64(3-4): 363-372 (2004)
5EEDavid Rees: Integrating the "Hard" and "Soft" Sides of Systems Thinking - A Case Study in New Zealand Local Government. ICSTM 2000
4EETrevor Hogg, David Rees, Habib Talhami: Explicit inversion: an approach to image analysis. Pattern Recognition 32(7): 1285-1296 (1999)
3EETrevor Hogg, Habib Talhami, David Rees: Learning in a self-organising pattern formation system. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(1): 1-5 (1999)
2EEJohnson I. Agbinya, David Rees: Multi-Object Tracking in Video. Real-Time Imaging 5(5): 295-304 (1999)
1EETrevor Hogg, Habib Talhami, David Rees: An improved synergetic algorithm for image classification. Pattern Recognition 31(12): 1893-1903 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Johnson I. Agbinya [2]
2Arturo López Ariste [8]
3Paul Berg [6]
4Ronald Bewley [6]
5Jie Chen [15]
6Jonathan Graham [8]
7Ying Guo [8]
8Yong He [13] [14] [20]
9Trevor Hogg [1] [3] [4]
10Wenshan Hu [12] [17]
11Ju Jing [7]
12En Li [9]
13Zi-ze Liang [9]
14Guo-Ping Liu [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [18] [19] [20]
15Guoping Liu [15] [16] [17]
16Ming Qu [7]
17Peng Shi [10] [11]
18Frank Y. Shih (Frank Yeong-Chyang Shih) [7]
19Xi-Ming Sun [19]
20Habib Talhami [1] [3] [4]
21Min Tan [9]
22E. J. C. Thomas [11]
23Haimin Wang [7]
24Wei Wang [19]
25Min Wu [13] [20]
26Yuanqing Xia [10] [11] [12] [15]
27Yun-Bo Zhao [16] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)