David N. Turner (Ed.):
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995.
Workshops in Computing Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-14580-X BibTeX
editor = {David N. Turner},
title = {Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995},
booktitle = {Functional Programming},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Workshops in Computing},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-14580-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Erik Barendsen, Sjaak Smetsers:
Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style.
1 BibTeX
- Simon P. Booth, Simon B. Jones:
Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs.
1 BibTeX
- Silvia Breitinger, Rita Loogen:
Towards a Declarative Language for Parallel and Concurrent Programming.
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- Manuel M. T. Chakravarty:
Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine.
2 BibTeX
- Graham Collins:
Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs: An Operational Approach.
3 BibTeX
- Antony J. T. Davie:
Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt.
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- Sigbjorn Finne, Simon L. Peyton Jones:
Picture: A Simple Structured Graphics Model.
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- Andy Gill:
The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant.
4 BibTeX
- Simon Govier, Paul H. J. Kelly:
A Lazy, Self-optimizing Parallel Matrix Library.
5 BibTeX
- Kevin Hammond, Philip W. Trinder:
Database Manipulation in Haskell 1.3.
5 BibTeX
- Ian Holyer, Neil Davies, Chris Dornan:
The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems.
6 BibTeX
- Howard Huang, Uday S. Reddy:
Type Reconstruction for SCI.
6 BibTeX
- Simon B. Jones:
Experiences with Clean I/O.
7 BibTeX
- Mark P. Jones, Paul Hudak, Sebastian Shaumyan:
Using Types to Parse Natural Language.
7 BibTeX
- Herbert Kuchen:
A Functional Logic Language Based on Higher Order Narrowing.
8 BibTeX
- Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Kevin Hammond:
On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism.
8 BibTeX
- John O'Donnell, Gudula Rünger:
Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks.
9 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:37 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)