
Michael Khoo

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11EEMichael Khoo, Joe Pagano, Anne Washington, Mimi Recker, Bart Palmer, Robert A. Donahue: Using web metrics to analyze digital libraries. JCDL 2008: 375-384
10EEMichael Khoo, Robert A. Donahue: Evaluating digital libraries with webmetrics. JCDL 2007: 484
9EEMichael Khoo: A Sociotechnical Framework for Evaluating a Large-Scale Distributed Educational Digital Library. ECDL 2006: 449-452
8EEMichael Khoo: Evaluating the national science digital library. JCDL 2006: 342
7EEMichael Khoo: Tacit user and developer frames in user-led collection development: the case of the digital water education library. JCDL 2005: 213-222
6EEMichael Khoo, David Ribes: Studying digital library users in the wild: theories, methods, and analytical approaches. JCDL 2005: 429
5EETamara Sumner, Michael Khoo, Mimi Recker, Mary Marlino: Understanding Educator Perceptions of "Quality" in Digital Libraries. JCDL 2003: 269-279
4EEMichael Khoo, Holly Devaul, Tamara Sumner: Functional Requirements for Online Tools to Support Community-Led Collections Building. ECDL 2002: 190-203
3EEJohn Weatherley, Tamara Sumner, Michael Khoo, Michael Wright, Marcel Hoffmann: Partnership reviewing: a cooperative approach for peer review of complex educational resources. JCDL 2002: 106-114
2EEMichael Khoo: Ethnography, Evaluation, and Design as Integrated Strategies: A Case Study from WES. ECDL 2001: 263-274
1EEMichael Khoo: Community design of DLESE's collections review policy: a technological frames analysis. JCDL 2001: 157-164

Coauthor Index

1Holly Devaul [4]
2Robert A. Donahue [10] [11]
3Marcel Hoffmann [3]
4Mary Marlino [5]
5Joe Pagano [11]
6Bart Palmer [11]
7Mimi Recker [5] [11]
8David Ribes [6]
9Tamara Sumner [3] [4] [5]
10Anne Washington [11]
11John Weatherley [3]
12Michael Wright [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)