
Bhavani Raskutti

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27EEAlan Herschtal, Bhavani Raskutti, Peter K. Campbell: Area Under ROC Optimisation using a Ramp Approximation. SDM 2006
26EEBhavani Raskutti, Alan Herschtal: Predicting the product purchase patterns of corporate customers. KDD 2005: 469-478
25EECatherine Edwards, Bhavani Raskutti: The Effect of Attribute Scaling on the Performance of Support Vector Machines. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 500-512
24EEAlan Herschtal, Bhavani Raskutti: Optimising area under the ROC curve using gradient descent. ICML 2004
23EEAdam Kowalczyk, Bhavani Raskutti, Herman L. Ferrá: Exploring Potential of Leave-One-Out Estimator for Calibration of SVM in Text Mining. PAKDD 2004: 361-372
22EEBhavani Raskutti, Adam Kowalczyk: Extreme re-balancing for SVMs: a case study. SIGKDD Explorations 6(1): 60-69 (2004)
21EEIngrid Zukerman, Bhavani Raskutti, Yingying Wen: Query Expansion and Query Reduction in Document Retrieval. ICTAI 2003: 552-559
20EEAdam Kowalczyk, Bhavani Raskutti: Exploring Fringe Settings of SVMs for Classification. PKDD 2003: 278-290
19EEIngrid Zukerman, Bhavani Raskutti, Yingying Wen: Experiments in Query Paraphrasing for Information Retrieval. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 24-35
18EEIngrid Zukerman, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Query Paraphrasing for Document Retrieval. COLING 2002
17 Bhavani Raskutti, Herman L. Ferrá, Adam Kowalczyk: Using Unlabelled Data for Text Classification through Addition of Cluster Parameters. ICML 2002: 514-521
16EEBhavani Raskutti, Herman L. Ferrá, Adam Kowalczyk: Combining clustering and co-training to enhance text classification using unlabelled data. KDD 2002: 620-625
15EEAdam Kowalczyk, Bhavani Raskutti: One Class SVM for Yeast Regulation Prediction. SIGKDD Explorations 4(2): 99-100 (2002)
14EEAdam Kowalczyk, Bhavani Raskutti: Learner's Self-Assessment: A Case Study of SVM for Information Retrieval. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 249-260
13EEBhavani Raskutti, Herman L. Ferrá, Adam Kowalczyk: Second Order Features for Maximising Text Classification Performance. ECML 2001: 419-430
12 Bhavani Raskutti, Christopher Leckie: An Evaluation of Criteria for Measuring the Quality of Clusters. IJCAI 1999: 905-910
11EEP. P. Sember, T. R. Mueller, N. Baker, M. C. Flower, Bhavani Raskutti, W. Wen: Web Cache Focusing Devices. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 682-684 (1998)
10 Bhavani Raskutti, Anthony Beitz: Sample Set Assessment for Providing Personalised Recommendations. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 359-368
9EEIan Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Jonathan J. Oliver, David W. Albrecht, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Access for Speech Understanding using Minimum Message Length Encoding. UAI 1997: 464-471
8EEBhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman: Generating queries and replies during information-seeking interactions. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 47(6): 689-734 (1997)
7EEBhavani Raskutti, Anthony Beitz, Belinda Ward: A Feature-based Approach to Recommending Selections based on Past Preferences. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 7(3): 179-218 (1997)
6 Ian Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Jonathan J. Oliver, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Access using Minimum Message Length Encoding. PRICAI 1996: 229-240
5 Bhavani Raskutti, Anthony Beitz: Acquiring User Preferences for Information Filtering in Interactive Multi-Media Services. PRICAI 1996: 47-58
4 Bhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman: A Unified Approach to Handling Uncertainty during Cooperative Consultations. PRICAI 1996: 85-96
3 Bhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman: Acquisition of Information to Determine a User's Plan. ECAI 1994: 28-32
2EEBhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman: Handling Uncertainty During Plan Recognition in Task-Oriented Consultation Systems. UAI 1991: 308-315
1 Bhavani Raskutti, Ingrid Zukerman: Generation and Selection of Likely Interpretations during Plan Recognition in Task-Oriented Consultation Systems. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 1(3-4): 323-353 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1David W. Albrecht [9]
2N. Baker [11]
3Anthony Beitz [5] [7] [10]
4Peter K. Campbell [27]
5Catherine Edwards [25]
6Herman L. Ferrá [13] [16] [17] [23]
7M. C. Flower [11]
8Alan Herschtal [24] [26] [27]
9Adam Kowalczyk [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20] [22] [23]
10Christopher Leckie [12]
11T. R. Mueller [11]
12Jonathan J. Oliver [6] [9]
13P. P. Sember [11]
14Ian Thomas [6] [9]
15Belinda Ward [7]
16W. Wen [11]
17Yingying Wen [19] [21]
18Ingrid Zukerman [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [18] [19] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)