
Jonathan J. Oliver

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15 Christine E. Drake, Andrew Klein, Jonathan J. Oliver: Analysis of the Phishing Email Problem and Discussion of Possible Solutions. WOSIS 2005: 309-318
14EEChristine E. Drake, Jonathan J. Oliver, Eugene J. Koontz: Anatomy of a Phishing Email. CEAS 2004
13 Jonathan J. Oliver, Ted Roush, Paul Gazis, Wray L. Buntine, Rohan A. Baxter, Steven R. Waterhouse: Analysing Rock Samples for the Mars Lander. KDD 1998: 299-303
12 Jonathan J. Oliver, Rohan A. Baxter, Chris S. Wallace: Minimum Message Length Segmentation. PAKDD 1998: 222-233
11 David L. Dowe, Rohan A. Baxter, Jonathan J. Oliver, Chris S. Wallace: Point Estimation Using the Kullback-Leibler Loss Function and MML. PAKDD 1998: 87-95
10EEDavid J. Hand, Jonathan J. Oliver, A. Daniel Lunn: Discriminant analysis when the classes arise from a continuum. Pattern Recognition 31(5): 641-650 (1998)
9EEIan Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Jonathan J. Oliver, David W. Albrecht, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Access for Speech Understanding using Minimum Message Length Encoding. UAI 1997: 464-471
8EEMatthew S. Collins, Jonathan J. Oliver: Efficient Induction of Finite State Automata. UAI 1997: 99-107
7 David L. Dowe, Jonathan J. Oliver, Chris S. Wallace: MML Estimation of the Parameters of the Sherical Fisher Distribution. ALT 1996: 213-227
6 Rohan A. Baxter, Jonathan J. Oliver: The Kindest Cut: Minimum Message Length Segmentation. ALT 1996: 83-90
5 Jonathan J. Oliver, Rohan A. Baxter, Chris S. Wallace: Unsupervised Learning Using MML. ICML 1996: 364-372
4 Ian Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Jonathan J. Oliver, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Access using Minimum Message Length Encoding. PRICAI 1996: 229-240
3 Jonathan J. Oliver, David J. Hand: On Pruning and Averaging Decision Trees. ICML 1995: 430-437
2 Jonathan J. Oliver, David J. Hand: Averaging Over Decision Stumps. ECML 1994: 231-241
1 Jonathan J. Oliver, Ingrid Zukerman: DISSOLVE: A System for the Generation of Human Oriented Solutions to Algebraic Equations. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1988: 92-107

Coauthor Index

1David W. Albrecht [9]
2Rohan A. Baxter [5] [6] [11] [12] [13]
3Wray L. Buntine [13]
4Matthew S. Collins [8]
5David L. Dowe [7] [11]
6Christine E. Drake [14] [15]
7Paul Gazis [13]
8David J. Hand [2] [3] [10]
9Andrew Klein [15]
10Eugene J. Koontz [14]
11A. Daniel Lunn [10]
12Bhavani Raskutti [4] [9]
13Ted Roush [13]
14Ian Thomas [4] [9]
15Chris S. Wallace [5] [7] [11] [12]
16Steven R. Waterhouse [13]
17Ingrid Zukerman [1] [4] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)