
David W. Albrecht

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16EEAndre Oboler, Charles Twardy, David W. Albrecht: Super Iterator A design pattern for Algorithm and Data structure collections. ITNG 2007: 677-678
15EEDavid W. Albrecht, Ingrid Zukerman: Introduction to the special issue on statistical and probabilistic methods for user modeling. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 17(1-2): 1-4 (2007)
14EENathan Hurst, Kim Marriott, David W. Albrecht: Solving the simple continuous table layout problem. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2006: 28-30
13EELara Kornienko, David W. Albrecht, David L. Dowe: A Preliminary MML Linear Classifier Using Principal Components for Multiple Classes. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 922-926
12EEDouglas Clarke, David W. Albrecht, Peter E. Tischer: An Investigation into Applying Support Vector Machines to Pixel Classification in Image Processing. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 140-151
11EELara Kornienko, David L. Dowe, David W. Albrecht: Message Length Formulation of Support Vector Machines for Binary Classification - A Preliminary Scheme. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 119-130
10EEIngrid Zukerman, David W. Albrecht: Predictive Statistical Models for User Modeling. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 11(1-2): 5-18 (2001)
9 Ingrid Zukerman, David W. Albrecht, Ann E. Nicholson, Krystyna Doktor: Trading Off Granularity against Complexity. PRICAI 2000: 241-251
8 David W. Albrecht, Ingrid Zukerman, Ann E. Nicholson: Pre-sending Documents on the WWW: A Comparative Study. IJCAI 1999: 1274-1279
7EEA. E. Bud, Ann E. Nicholson, Ingrid Zukerman, David W. Albrecht: A hybrid architecture for strategically complex imperfect information games. KES 1999: 42-45
6 David W. Albrecht, Ann E. Nicholson, Ingrid Zukerman: Knowledge Acquisition for Goal Prediction in a Multi-user Adventure Game. PAKDD 1998: 1-12
5 Ann E. Nicholson, Ingrid Zukerman, David W. Albrecht: A Decision-Theoretic Approach for Pre-sending Information on the WWW. PRICAI 1998: 575-586
4 Frank A. Bäuerle, David W. Albrecht, John N. Crossley, John S. Jeavons: Curry-Howard Terms for Linear Logic. Studia Logica 61(2): 223-235 (1998)
3EEDavid W. Albrecht, Ingrid Zukerman, Ann E. Nicholson: Bayesian Models for Keyhole Plan Recognition in an Adventure Game. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 8(1-2): 5-47 (1998)
2EEIan Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Jonathan J. Oliver, David W. Albrecht, Bhavani Raskutti: Lexical Access for Speech Understanding using Minimum Message Length Encoding. UAI 1997: 464-471
1EEDavid W. Albrecht, John N. Crossley, John S. Jeavons: New Curry-Howard Terms for Full Linear Logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 185(2): 217-235 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Frank A. Bäuerle [4]
2A. E. Bud [7]
3Douglas Clarke [12]
4John N. Crossley [1] [4]
5Krystyna Doktor [9]
6David L. Dowe [11] [13]
7Nathan Hurst [14]
8John S. Jeavons [1] [4]
9Lara Kornienko [11] [13]
10Kim Marriott [14]
11Ann E. Nicholson [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
12Andre Oboler [16]
13Jonathan J. Oliver [2]
14Bhavani Raskutti [2]
15Ian Thomas [2]
16Peter E. Tischer [12]
17Charles Twardy [16]
18Ingrid Zukerman [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)