
Aleksandra B. Rakhmaninova

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3EEMikhail S. Gelfand, Alexei E. Kazakov, Yuri D. Korostelev, Olga N. Laikova, Andrey A. Mironov, Aleksandra B. Rakhmaninova, Dmitry A. Ravcheev, Dmitry A. Rodionov, Alexei G. Vitreschak: Evolution of Regulatory Systems in Bacteria (Invited Keynote Talk). ISBRA 2009: 1-4
2 Olga V. Kalinina, Pavel S. Novichkov, Andrey A. Mironov, Mikhail S. Gelfand, Aleksandra B. Rakhmaninova: SDPpred: a tool for prediction of amino acid residues that determine differences in functional specificity of homologous proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 424-428 (2004)
1EEOlga V. Kalinina, Vsevolod Makeev, Roman A. Sutormin, Mikhail S. Gelfand, Aleksandra B. Rakhmaninova: The channel in transporters is formed by residues that are rare in transmembrane helices. In Silico Biology 3: 17 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Mikhail S. Gelfand [1] [2] [3]
2Olga V. Kalinina [1] [2]
3Alexei E. Kazakov [3]
4Yuri D. Korostelev [3]
5Olga N. Laikova [3]
6Vsevolod Makeev [1]
7Andrey A. Mironov [2] [3]
8Pavel S. Novichkov [2]
9Dmitry A. Ravcheev [3]
10Dmitry A. Rodionov [3]
11Roman A. Sutormin [1]
12Alexei G. Vitreschak [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)