
Jörg Raisch

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13EEVadim Azhmyakov, Sid Ahmed Attia, Jörg Raisch: On the Maximum Principle for Impulsive Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2008: 30-42
12EESener A. Kaya, Sid Ahmed Attia, Jörg Raisch: A suboptimal control strategy for the start-up of the Open Plate Reactor. ICARCV 2008: 78-84
11EEStephanie Geist, Dmitry Gromov, Jörg Raisch: Timed Discrete Event Control of Parallel Production Lines with Continuous Outputs. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 18(2): 241-262 (2008)
10EEEckart Mayer, Utz-Uwe Haus, Jörg Raisch, Robert Weismantel: Throughput-Optimal Sequences for Cyclically Operated Plants. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 18(3): 355-383 (2008)
9EEVadim Azhmyakov, Sid Ahmed Attia, Dmitry Gromov, Jörg Raisch: Necessary Optimality Conditions for a Class of Hybrid Optimal Control Problems. HSCC 2007: 637-640
8 Danjing Li, Eckart Mayer, Jörg Raisch: A new hierarchical control scheme for a class of cyclically repeated discrete-event systems. ICINCO 2005: 30-36
7 Jaroslaw Stanczyk, Eckart Mayer, Jörg Raisch: Modelling and Performance Evaluation of DES - A Max-Plus Algebra Toolbox for Matlab. ICINCO (3) 2004: 270-275
6EEEckart Mayer, Jörg Raisch: Time-optimal scheduling for high throughput screening processes using cyclic discrete event models. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 66(2-3): 181-191 (2004)
5EEThomas Moor, Jörg Raisch, Siu O'Young: Discrete Supervisory Control of Hybrid Systems Based on l-Complete Approximations. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 12(1): 83-107 (2002)
4EEJörg Raisch, Eberhard Klein, Siu O'Young, Christian Meder, Alexander Itigin: Approximating Automata and Discrete Control for Continuous Systems - Two Examples from Process Control. Hybrid Systems 1997: 279-303
3 Jörg Raisch, Siu O'Young: A Totally Ordered Set of Discrete Abstractions for a given Hybrid Continuous System. Hybrid Systems 1996: 342-360
2 Jörg Raisch, Siu O'Young: A DES Approach to Control of Hybrid Dynamical Systems. Hybrid Systems 1995: 563-574
1 Jörg Raisch: Control of Continuous Plants by Symbolic Output Feedback. Hybrid Systems 1994: 370-390

Coauthor Index

1Sid Ahmed Attia [9] [12] [13]
2Vadim Azhmyakov [9] [13]
3Stephanie Geist [11]
4Dmitry Gromov [9] [11]
5Utz-Uwe Haus [10]
6Alexander Itigin [4]
7Sener A. Kaya [12]
8Eberhard Klein [4]
9Danjing Li [8]
10Eckart Mayer [6] [7] [8] [10]
11Christian Meder [4]
12Thomas Moor [5]
13Siu O'Young [2] [3] [4] [5]
14Jaroslaw Stanczyk [7]
15Robert Weismantel [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)