
Margot Flowers

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14EESergio Alvarado, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Argument representation for editorial text. Knowl.-Based Syst. 3(2): 87-107 (1990)
13EESergio J. Alvarado, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Argument comprehension and retrieval for editorial text. Knowl.-Based Syst. 3(3): 139-162 (1990)
12 Alex Quilici, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Recognizing and Responding to Plan-Oriented Misconceptions. Computational Linguistics 14(3): 38-51 (1988)
11EESeth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Precedent-Based Legal Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition in Contract Law: A Process Model. ICAIL 1987: 210-221
10 Michael J. Pazzani, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Using Prior Learning to Facilitate the Learning of New Causal Theories. IJCAI 1987: 277-279
9 Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers, Jack Hodges: Naive Mechanics Comprehension and Invention in EDISON. IJCAI 1987: 696-699
8 Sergio Alvarado, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Editorial Comprehension in OpEd through Argument Units. AAAI 1986: 250-256
7 Michael J. Pazzani, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: The Role of Prior Causal Theories in Generalization. AAAI 1986: 545-550
6EEMichael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers, Jack Hodges: EDISON: An engineering design invention system operating naively. AI in Engineering 1(1): 36-44 (1986)
5 Seth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Learning to Understand Contractual Situations. IJCAI 1985: 291-293
4EEMargot Flowers, Michael G. Dyer: Really arguing with your computer in natural language. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 651-659
3 Margot Flowers: On Being Contradictory. AAAI 1982: 269-272
2 Rod McGuire, Lawrence Birnbaum, Margot Flowers: Opportunistic Processing in Arguments. IJCAI 1981: 58-60
1 Lawrence Birnbaum, Margot Flowers, Rod McGuire: Towards an AI Model of Argumentation. AAAI 1980: 313-315

Coauthor Index

1Sergio Alvarado [8] [14]
2Sergio J. Alvarado [13]
3Lawrence Birnbaum (Larry Birnbaum) [1] [2]
4Michael G. Dyer [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
5Seth R. Goldman [5] [11]
6Jack Hodges [6] [9]
7Rod McGuire [1] [2]
8Michael J. Pazzani [7] [10]
9Alex Quilici [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)