
Yu Qiu

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6EETiankui Zhang, Zhimin Zeng, Yu Qiu: A Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Utility Proportional Fairness in OFDM Systems. VTC Spring 2008: 1901-1905
5EEJeremy D. Glasner, Guy Plunkett III, Bradley D. Anderson, David J. Baumler, Bryan S. Biehl, Valerie Burland, Eric L. Cabot, Aaron E. Darling, Bob Mau, Eric C. Neeno-Eckwall, David Pot, Yu Qiu, Anna I. Rissman, Sara Worzella, Sam Zaremba, Joel Fedorko, Tom Hampton, Paul Liss, Michael Rusch, Matthew Shaker, Lorie Shaull, Panna Shetty, Silpa Thotakura, Jon Whitmore, Frederick R. Blattner, John M. Greene, Nicole T. Perna: Enteropathogen Resource Integration Center (ERIC): bioinformatics support for research on biodefense-relevant enterobacteria. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 519-523 (2008)
4EEYu Qiu, Hong Yang, Yan-Qing Zhang, Yichuan Zhao: Polynomial regression interval-valued fuzzy systems. Soft Comput. 12(2): 137-145 (2008)
3EEYu Qiu, Yanqing Zhang, Yichuan Zhao: Statistical Genetic Interval-Valued Fuzzy Systems with Prediction in Clinical Trials. GrC 2007: 129-132
2EEYu Qiu, Yan-Qing Zhang, Yichuan Zhao: Statistical interval-valued fuzzy systems via linear regression. GrC 2005: 229-232
1EEJoseph Bockhorst, Yu Qiu, Jeremy D. Glasner, Mingzhu Liu, Frederick R. Blattner, Mark Craven: Predicting bacterial transcription units using sequence and expression data. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2003: 34-43

Coauthor Index

1Bradley D. Anderson [5]
2David J. Baumler [5]
3Bryan S. Biehl [5]
4Frederick R. Blattner [1] [5]
5Joseph Bockhorst [1]
6Valerie Burland [5]
7Eric L. Cabot [5]
8Mark Craven [1]
9Aaron E. Darling [5]
10Joel Fedorko [5]
11Jeremy D. Glasner [1] [5]
12John M. Greene [5]
13Tom Hampton [5]
14Paul Liss [5]
15Mingzhu Liu [1]
16Bob Mau [5]
17Eric C. Neeno-Eckwall [5]
18Nicole T. Perna [5]
19Guy Plunkett III [5]
20David Pot [5]
21Anna I. Rissman [5]
22Michael Rusch [5]
23Matthew Shaker [5]
24Lorie Shaull [5]
25Panna Shetty [5]
26Silpa Thotakura [5]
27Jon Whitmore [5]
28Sara Worzella [5]
29Hong Yang [4]
30Sam Zaremba [5]
31Zhimin Zeng [6]
32Tiankui Zhang [6]
33Yanqing Zhang (Yan-Qing Zhang) [2] [3] [4]
34Yichuan Zhao [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)