
Elke Pulvermüller

Elke Pulvermueller

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21 Marwane El Kharbili, Elke Pulvermüller: A Semantic Framework for Compliance Management in Business Process Management. BPSC 2009: 60-80
20EEDaniel Fötsch, Elke Pulvermüller: A concept and implementation of higher-level XML transformation languages. Knowl.-Based Syst. 22(3): 186-194 (2009)
19EEPierre Kelsen, Elke Pulvermueller, Christian Glodt: Specifying Executable Platform-Independent Models using OCL. ECEASST 9: (2008)
18 Elke Pulvermüller, André Ludwig, Roman Belter, Dominik Zyskowski, Ulrich Heindl, Xuan Thang Nguyen: A Capability Oriented Management Approach for Business Integration. BPSC 2007: 218-221
17EEChristian Glodt, Pierre Kelsen, Elke Pulvermueller: DEMOCLES: a tool for executable modeling of platform-independent systems. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 870-871
16 Daniel Fötsch, Elke Pulvermueller: Constructing higher-level Transformation Languages based on XML. SoMeT 2007: 269-284
15EEDaniel Fötsch, Elke Pulvermüller, Wilhelm Rossak: Modeling and Verifying Workflow-based Regulations. ReMo2V 2006
14EEElke Pulvermüller, Gerhard Goos, Uwe Aßmann: New software composition concepts. Sci. Comput. Program. 56(1-2): 1-4 (2005)
13EEAndreas Speck, Elke Pulvermüller, Ragnhild Van Der Straeten, Ralf Reussner, Matthias Clauß: Model-Based Software Reuse. ECOOP Workshops 2002: 135-146
12EEElke Pulvermüller: Composition and Correctness. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(4): (2002)
11EEElke Pulvermüller, Isabelle Borne, Noury Bouraqadi, Pierre Cointe, Uwe Aßmann: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(4): (2002)
10 Elke Pulvermüller, Andreas Speck, James Coplien, Maja D'Hondt, Wolfgang De Meuter: Proceedings of the ECOOP 2001 Workshop on Feature Interaction in Composed Systems (FICS 2001), Budapest, Hungary, June 18-22, 2001 University of Karlsruhe, Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation 2001
9EEAwais Rashid, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Andreas Speck, Elke Pulvermüller: EProMS: An E-commerce Based Process Model for Cooperative Software Development in Small Organisations. EC-Web 2001: 39-48
8EEElke Pulvermüller, Andreas Speck, James Coplien, Maja D'Hondt, Wolfgang De Meuter: Feature Interaction in Composed Systems. ECOOP Workshops 2001: 86-97
7EEElke Pulvermüller, Andreas Speck, James Coplien, Maja D'Hondt, Wolfgang De Meuter: Position Paper: Feature Interaction in Composed Systems. FICS 2001: 1-6
6EEElke Pulvermüller, Andreas Speck, James Coplien: A Version Model for Aspect Dependency Management. GCSE 2001: 70-79
5EEAwais Rashid, Elke Pulvermüller: From Object-Oriented to Aspect-Oriented Databases. DEXA 2000: 125-134
4EEHerbert Klaeren, Elke Pulvermüller, Awais Rashid, Andreas Speck: Aspect Composition Applying the Design by Contract Principle. GCSE 2000: 57-69
3EEAwais Rashid, Peter Sawyer, Elke Pulvermüller: A Flexible Approach for Instance Adaptation During Class Versioning. Objects and Databases 2000: 101-113
2EEElke Pulvermüller, Andreas Speck, Awais Rashid: Implementing Collaboration-Based Designs Using Aspect-Oriented Programming. TOOLS (34) 2000: 95-104
1EEElke Pulvermüller, Herbert Klaeren, Andreas Speck: Aspects in Distributed Environments. GCSE 1999: 37-48

Coauthor Index

1Uwe Aßmann [11] [14]
2Roman Belter [18]
3Isabelle Borne [11]
4Noury Bouraqadi [11]
5Ruzanna Chitchyan [9]
6Matthias Clauß [13]
7Pierre Cointe [11]
8James Coplien [6] [7] [8] [10]
9Maja D'Hondt [7] [8] [10]
10Daniel Fötsch [15] [16] [20]
11Christian Glodt [17] [19]
12Gerhard Goos [14]
13Ulrich Heindl [18]
14Pierre Kelsen [17] [19]
15Marwane El Kharbili [21]
16Herbert Klaeren [1] [4]
17André Ludwig [18]
18Wolfgang De Meuter [7] [8] [10]
19Xuan Thang Nguyen [18]
20Awais Rashid [2] [3] [4] [5] [9]
21Ralf Reussner (Ralf H. Reussner) [13]
22Wilhelm Rossak [15]
23Peter Sawyer [3]
24Andreas Speck [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
25Ragnhild Van Der Straeten [13]
26Dominik Zyskowski [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)