
Herbert Klaeren

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19EEHerbert Klaeren, Elke Pulvermüller, Awais Rashid, Andreas Speck: Aspect Composition Applying the Design by Contract Principle. GCSE 2000: 57-69
18EEElke Pulvermüller, Herbert Klaeren, Andreas Speck: Aspects in Distributed Environments. GCSE 1999: 37-48
17EEHerbert Klaeren, Christiane Floyd, Friedrich Diestelmeier: Informatics and Society: A Curriculum for Distance Education. Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition 1997: 69-78
16 K. John Gough, Herbert Klaeren: Executable Assertions and Separate Compilation. JMLC 1997: 41-52
15 Herbert Klaeren: Probleme des Software-Engineering, Die Programmiersprache - Werkzeug des Softwareentwicklers. Informatik Spektrum 17(1): 21-28 (1994)
14 Herbert Klaeren: Software Engineering und formale Verfahren. SEUH 1992: 48-50
13 Herbert Klaeren, Peter Thiemann: A Clean Modula-2 Interface to Abstract Data Types. Structured Programming 11(2): 69-78 (1990)
12 Herbert Klaeren, Klaus Indermark: Efficient Implementation of an Algebraic Specification Language. Algebraic Methods 1987: 69-90
11 Klaus Indermark, Herbert Klaeren: Efficient Implementation of Structural Recursion. FCT 1987: 204-213
10 Klaus Indermark, Herbert Klaeren: Compiling Fibonacci-Like Recursion. SIGPLAN Notices 22(6): 101-108 (1987)
9 Herbert Klaeren: A Contructive Method for Abstract Algebraic Software Specification. Theor. Comput. Sci. 30: 139-204 (1984)
8 Herbert Klaeren: Some Thoughts on Practical Usefulness of Operational and Initial Semantics for Algebraic Software Specifications. ADT 1983
7 Herbert Klaeren: Parameterized Software Specifications with Inductively Defined Operations. ADT 1982
6 Herbert Klaeren, Heiko Petzsch: The Development of an Interpreter by Means of Abstract Algebraic Software Specifications. ICFPC 1981: 335-346
5 Herbert Klaeren: Recursive Definitions of Operations in Universal Algebras. Program Specification 1981: 268-281
4 Herbert Klaeren: The SRDL Specification Experiment. Program Specification 1981: 282-293
3 Herbert Klaeren, Martin Schulz: Computable Algebras, Word Problems and Canonical Term Algebras. Theoretical Computer Science 1981: 203-213
2 Herbert Klaeren: A Simple Class of Algorithmic Specifications for Abstract Software Modules. MFCS 1980: 362-374
1 Herbert Klaeren: Potenzkaegorien und ihre Anwendung auf den Beweis von Programmeigenschaften. Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1975: 252-258

Coauthor Index

1Friedrich Diestelmeier [17]
2Christiane Floyd [17]
3K. John Gough [16]
4Klaus Indermark [10] [11] [12]
5Heiko Petzsch [6]
6Elke Pulvermüller (Elke Pulvermueller) [18] [19]
7Awais Rashid [19]
8Martin Schulz [3]
9Andreas Speck [18] [19]
10Peter Thiemann [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)