2006 |
29 | EE | Simon Denier,
Pierre Cointe:
Understanding Design Patterns Density with Aspects.
Software Composition 2006: 243-258 |
28 | EE | Simon Denier,
Pierre Cointe:
Expression and Composition of Design Patterns with AspectJ.
L'OBJET 12(2-3): 41-61 (2006) |
2005 |
27 | EE | Charles Consel,
Fabien Latry,
Laurent Réveillère,
Pierre Cointe:
A Generative Programming Approach to Developing DSL Compilers.
GPCE 2005: 29-46 |
26 | EE | Florian Minjat,
Alexandre Bergel,
Pierre Cointe,
Stéphane Ducasse:
Mise en symbiose des traits et des classboxes. Application à l expression des collaborations.
L'OBJET 11(1-2): 33-46 (2005) |
2004 |
25 | EE | Pierre Cointe,
Hervé Albin-Amiot,
Simon Denier:
From (Meta) Objects to Aspects: A Java and AspectJ Point of View.
FMCO 2004: 70-94 |
24 | EE | Pierre Cointe:
Towards Generative Programming.
UPP 2004: 315-325 |
23 | EE | Pierre Cointe,
Jacques Noyé,
Rémi Douence,
Thomas Ledoux,
Jean-Marc Menaud,
Gilles Muller,
Mario Südholt:
Programmation post-objets. Des langages d'aspects aux langages de composants.
L'OBJET 10(4): 119-143 (2004) |
2003 |
22 | EE | Éric Tanter,
Jacques Noyé,
Denis Caromel,
Pierre Cointe:
Partial behavioral reflection: spatial and temporal selection of reification.
OOPSLA 2003: 27-46 |
2002 |
21 | EE | Elke Pulvermüller,
Isabelle Borne,
Noury Bouraqadi,
Pierre Cointe,
Uwe Aßmann:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(4): (2002) |
20 | EE | Hervé Albin-Amiot,
Pierre Cointe,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc:
Un métamodèle pour coupler application et détection des design patterns.
L'OBJET 8(1-2): 41-58 (2002) |
2001 |
19 | EE | Hervé Albin-Amiot,
Pierre Cointe,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc,
Narendra Jussien:
Instantiating and Detecting Design Patterns: Putting Bits and Pieces Together.
ASE 2001: 166-173 |
1999 |
18 | | Pierre Cointe:
Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection, Second International Conference, Reflection'99, Saint-Malo, France, July 19-21, 1999, Proceedings
Springer 1999 |
1996 |
17 | | Pierre Cointe:
ECCOP'96 - Object-Oriented Programming, 10th European Conference, Linz, Austria, July 8-12, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
16 | | Thomas Ledoux,
Pierre Cointe:
Explicit Metaclasses as a Tool for Improving the Design of Class Libraries.
ISOTAS 1996: 38-55 |
15 | | Pierre Cointe:
Reflective Languages and MetaLevel Architectures.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 151 (1996) |
14 | | Jacques Malenfant,
Christophe Dony,
Pierre Cointe:
A Semantics of Introspection in a Reflective Prototype-Based Language.
Lisp and Symbolic Computation 9(2-3): 153-179 (1996) |
1995 |
13 | | Philippe Mulet,
Jacques Malenfant,
Pierre Cointe:
Towards a Methodology for Explicit Composition of MetaObjects.
OOPSLA 1995: 316-330 |
1993 |
12 | | Philippe Mulet,
Pierre Cointe:
Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language.
ISOTAS 1993: 128-144 |
1992 |
11 | | Christophe Dony,
Jacques Malenfant,
Pierre Cointe:
Prototype-Based Languages: From a New Taxonomy to Constructive Proposals and Their Validation.
OOPSLA 1992: 201-217 |
1989 |
10 | | Jean-Pierre Briot,
Pierre Cointe:
Programming with Explicit Metaclasses in Smalltalk-80.
OOPSLA 1989: 419-431 |
1988 |
9 | | Pierre Cointe:
A Tutorial Introduction to Metaclass Architecture as provides by Class Oriented Languages.
FGCS 1988: 592-608 |
8 | EE | Christian Queinnec,
Pierre Cointe:
An Open-Ended Data Representation Model for EU_LISP.
LISP and Functional Programming 1988: 298-308 |
1987 |
7 | | Jean Bézivin,
Jean-Marie Hullot,
Pierre Cointe,
Henry Lieberman:
ECOOP'87 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Paris, France, June 15-17, 1987, Proceedings
Springer 1987 |
6 | | Jean-Pierre Briot,
Pierre Cointe:
A Uniform Model for Object-Oriented Languages Using the Class Abstraction.
IJCAI 1987: 40-43 |
5 | | Pierre Cointe:
Metaclasses are First Class: the ObjVlisp Model.
OOPSLA 1987: 156-167 |
1986 |
4 | | Jean-Pierre Briot,
Pierre Cointe:
The OBJVLISP Model: Definition of a Uniform, Reflexive and Extensible Object Oriented Language.
ECAI 1986: 225-232 |
1984 |
3 | | Pierre Cointe,
Xavier Rodet:
Formes: an Object and Time Oriented System for Music Composition and Synthesis.
LISP and Functional Programming 1984: 85-95 |
2 | | Pierre Cointe:
Ue implémentation des coroutines en Lisp, application à Smalltalk.
Symposium on Programming 1984: 74-88 |
1 | | Pierre Cointe:
Une Extension de VLISP vers les Objets.
Sci. Comput. Program. 4(3): 291-322 (1984) |