
Petri Pulli

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14EEXiaosong Zheng, Petri Pulli: Towards High Quality Mobile Services for Senior Citizens in Smart Living Environments. MUE 2007: 164-170
13 Xiaosong Zheng, Petri Pulli: User-focused Reference Modelling for 3G and Beyond Mobile and Wireless Applications. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 25(4): (2006)
12EEMarkku Oivo, Pasi Kuvaja, Petri Pulli, Jouni Similä: Software Engineering Research Strategy: Combining Experimental and Explorative Research (EER). PROFES 2004: 302-317
11EEHenry Oinas-Kukkonen, Jouni Similä, Pentti Kerola, Petri Pulli, Samuli Saukkonen: Development in the Growth Base of the 'Oulu Phenomenon'. History of Nordic Computing 2003: 425-447
10EEKenneth J. Crisler, Mikael Anneroth, Andy Aftelak, Petri Pulli: The human perspective of the wireless world. Computer Communications 26(1): 11-18 (2003)
9EEKenneth J. Crisler, Mikael Anneroth, Andy Aftelak, Petri Pulli: Corrigendum to "The human perspective of the wireless world" [Computer Communications 26(1): 13-20]. Computer Communications 26(1): 64 (2003)
8 Seamus Hickey, Petri Pulli: Developing a User Centric MultiSphere Model for Mobile Users Using a Visual Cell Platform. PWC 2001: 263-270
7 Jari T. Karvonen, Petri Pulli: Wireless Micro-payment System in Networks. PWC 2001: 285-
6EEPetri Pulli, Tino Pyssysalo, Jukka-Pekka Metsävainio, Olli Komulainen: CyPhone-experimenting mobile real-time telepresence. ECRTS 1998: 10-17
5 Petri Pulli, Tino Pyssysalo, Kari Kuutti, Jouni Similä, Jukka-Pekka Metsävainio, Olli Komulainen: CyPhone - Mobile Multimodal Personal Augmented Reality. WWCA 1998: 325-336
4 Petri Pulli, M. L. Salmela, Jouni Similä: Virtual prototyping based development and marketing of future consumer electronics products. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 275-284
3 Marko Heikkinen, Petri Pulli: Graphical animation of object-oriented software designs (abstract). OOPS Messenger 4(2): 231 (1993)
2 Petri Pulli, René Elmstrøm: IPTES: A Concurrent Engineering Approach for Real-Time Software Development. Real-Time Systems 5(2-3): 139-152 (1993)
1 Petri Pulli, Marko Heikkinen, Raino Lintulampi: Graphical Animation as a Form of Prototyping Real-Time Software Systems. Real-Time Systems 5(2-3): 173-195 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Andy Aftelak [9] [10]
2Mikael Anneroth [9] [10]
3Kenneth J. Crisler [9] [10]
4René Elmstrøm [2]
5Marko Heikkinen [1] [3]
6Seamus Hickey [8]
7Jari T. Karvonen [7]
8Pentti Kerola [11]
9Olli Komulainen [5] [6]
10Kari Kuutti [5]
11Pasi Kuvaja [12]
12Raino Lintulampi [1]
13Jukka-Pekka Metsävainio [5] [6]
14Henry Oinas-Kukkonen [11]
15Markku Oivo [12]
16Tino Pyssysalo [5] [6]
17M. L. Salmela [4]
18Samuli Saukkonen [11]
19Jouni Similä [4] [5] [11] [12]
20Xiaosong Zheng [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)