
Jari T. Karvonen

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4EEJari T. Karvonen, Juhani Warsta: Mobile multimedia services development: value chain perspective. MUM 2004: 171-178
3EEPasi Alatalo, Jarkko Järvenoja, Jari T. Karvonen, Ari Keronen, Pasi Kuvaja: Mobile Application Architectures. PROFES 2002: 572-586
2 Jari T. Karvonen, Petri Pulli: Wireless Micro-payment System in Networks. PWC 2001: 285-
1EELech Krzanik, Jari T. Karvonen: Attendance or Providing Added Value: A Study of the Structure of Cooperative e-Business Applications. WETICE 2001: 23-24

Coauthor Index

1Pasi Alatalo [3]
2Jarkko Järvenoja [3]
3Ari Keronen [3]
4Lech Krzanik [1]
5Pasi Kuvaja [3]
6Petri Pulli [2]
7Juhani Warsta [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)