
David Pritchard

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17EEDavid Pritchard: Approximability of Sparse Integer Programs CoRR abs/0904.0859: (2009)
16EEDavid Pritchard: Fast Distributed Computation of Cuts Via Random Circulations. ICALP (1) 2008: 145-160
15EEJochen Könemann, Ojas Parekh, David Pritchard: Max-Weight Integral Multicommodity Flow in Spiders and High-Capacity Trees. WAOA 2008: 1-14
14EEDavid Pritchard: Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Simulations Of Symmetric FSAs CoRR abs/0708.0580: (2007)
13EEJochen Könemann, David Pritchard, Kunlun Tan: A Partition-Based Relaxation For Steiner Trees CoRR abs/0712.3568: (2007)
12EEDavid Pritchard: How to Use Random Circulations to Find Small Cuts CoRR abs/cs/0702113: (2007)
11EEDavid Pritchard: Nearest Neighbor Network Traversal CoRR abs/cs/0702114: (2007)
10EEDavid Pritchard, Santosh Vempala: Symmetric network computation. SPAA 2006: 261-270
9EEDavid Pritchard: An Optimal Distributed Edge-Biconnectivity Algorithm CoRR abs/cs/0602013: (2006)
8EEDavid Pritchard, Mircea Gh. Negoita: A Fuzzy-Ga Hybrid Technique for Optimization of Teaching Sequences Presented in ITSs. Fuzzy Days 2004: 311-316
7EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Developing a "Virtual Student" Model to Test the Tutor and Optimizer Agents in an ITS. KES 2004: 240-252
6EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: An Optimiser Agent that Empowers an ITS System to "on-the-fly" Modify Its Teaching Strategies. KES 2004: 914-921
5 Mircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Testing Intelligent Tutoring System. ICMLA 2003: 98-104
4EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Some Test Problems Regarding Intelligent Tutoring Systems. KES 2003: 986-992
3EEDavid Pritchard, Wolfgang Heidrich: Cloth motion capture. SIGGRAPH 2003
2EEDavid Pritchard, Wolfgang Heidrich: Cloth Motion Capture. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 263-272 (2003)
1EEDavid Pritchard: Editorial. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(4): 247-248 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Heidrich [2] [3]
2Jochen Könemann [13] [15]
3Mircea Gh. Negoita [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Ojas Parekh [15]
5Kunlun Tan [13]
6Santosh Vempala [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)