
Lorien Y. Pratt

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8EELorien Y. Pratt, Manavendra Misra: Perspectives on academic vs. industry environments for women in computer science. SIGCSE Bulletin 34(2): 20-22 (2002)
7 Lorien Y. Pratt, Sebastian Thrun: Guest Editors' Introduction. Machine Learning 28(1): 5 (1997)
6EELorien Y. Pratt: A Survey of Transfer Between Connectionist Networks. Connect. Sci. 8(2): 163-184 (1996)
5EELorien Y. Pratt: Discriminability-Based Transfer between Neural Networks. NIPS 1992: 204-211
4 Lorien Y. Pratt, Jack Mostow, Candace A. Kamm: Direct Transfer of Learned Information Among Neural Networks. AAAI 1991: 584-589
3EESowmya Ramachandran, Lorien Y. Pratt: Information Measure Based Skeletonisation. NIPS 1991: 1080-1087
2EELorien Y. Pratt, Kathleen D. Cebulka, Peter Clitherow: Residual Speech Signal Compression: An Experiment in the Practical Application of Neural Network Technology. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1990: 1063-1072
1EEStephen Jose Hanson, Lorien Y. Pratt: Comparing Biases for Minimal Network Construction with Back-Propagation. NIPS 1988: 177-185

Coauthor Index

1Kathleen D. Cebulka [2]
2Peter Clitherow [2]
3Stephen Jose Hanson [1]
4Candace A. Kamm [4]
5Manavendra Misra [8]
6Jack Mostow [4]
7Sowmya Ramachandran [3]
8Sebastian Thrun [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)