
Jorge Posada

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14EECarlos Toro, Cesar Sanín, Edward Szczerbicki, Jorge Posada: Reflexive Ontologies: Enhancing Ontologies with Self-Contained Queries. Cybernetics and Systems 39(2): 171-189 (2008)
13EECarlos Toro, Cesar Sanín, Javier Vaquero, Jorge Posada, Edward Szczerbicki: Knowledge Based Industrial Maintenance Using Portable Devices and Augmented Reality. KES (1) 2007: 295-302
12EECarlos Toro, Jorge Posada, Joaquín Oyarzun, Juanjo Falcón: Supporting the Cad Structural Design Process with Knowledge-based Tools. Cybernetics and Systems 38(5): 575-586 (2007)
11 Aitor Moreno, Carlos Toro, Iosu Arizkuren, Alvaro Segura, Jorge Posada, Marcelino Novo, Juanjo Falcón, Nieves Alcaín: A geometric representation for the real-time simulation of NC machining processes. GRAPP 2006: 357-363
10EECarlos Toro, Jorge Posada, Maite Termenón, Joaquín Oyarzun, Juanjo Falcón: Knowledge Based Tools to Support the Structural Design Process. KES (1) 2006: 679-686
9EEJorge Posada, Carlos Toro, Stefan Wundrak, André Stork: Using ontologies and STEP standards for the semantic simplification of CAD models in different engineering domains. Applied Ontology 1(3-4): 263-279 (2006)
8EECarlos Toro, Jorge Posada, Stefan Wundrak, André Stork: Improving Virtual Reality Applications in CAD through Semantics. IJVR 5(4): 39-46 (2006)
7 John Figueroa, Jorge Posada, Miguel A. Melgarejo, Jairo Soriano: Controlador basado en Lógica Difusa Tipo II para el seguimiento de objetos en movimiento en el contexto de la Robocopa. CIIC 2005: 50-57
6EENeyir Sevilmis, André Stork, Tim Smithers, Jorge Posada, Massimiliano Pianciamore, Rui Castro, Ivan Jimenez, Gorka Marcos, Marco Mauri, Paolo Selvini, Bruno Thelen, Vincenzo Zecchino: Knowledge Sharing by Information Retrieval in the Semantic Web. ESWC 2005: 471-485
5EEJorge Posada, Carlos Toro, Stefan Wundrak, André Stork: Ontology Supported Semantic Simplification of Large Data Sets of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Design Review Visualization. KES (3) 2005: 184-190
4EEMaria del Puy Carretero, David Oyarzun, Amalia Ortiz, Iker Aizpurua, Jorge Posada: Virtual characters facial and body animation through the edition and interpretation of mark-up languages. Computers & Graphics 29(2): 189-194 (2005)
3EEIker Aizpurua, Amalia Ortiz, David Oyarzun, Iosu Arizkuren, Ana C. Andrés, Jorge Posada, Ido Iurgel: Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications. AMDO 2004: 26-34
2EEAmalia Ortiz, David Oyarzun, Iker Aizpurua, Jorge Posada: Three-Dimensional Whole Body of Virtual Character Animation for its Behavior in a Virtual Environment Using H-Anim and Inverse Kinematics. Computer Graphics International 2004: 307-310
1 Tim Smithers, Jorge Posada, André Stork, Massimiliano Pianciamore, Nuno Ferreira, Stephan Grimm, Ivan Jimenez, Sergio Di Marca, Gorka Marcos, Marco Mauri, Paolo Selvini, Neyir Sevilmis, Bruno Thelen, Vincenzo Zecchino: Information Management and Knowledge Sharing in WIDE. EWIMT 2004

Coauthor Index

1Iker Aizpurua [2] [3] [4]
2Nieves Alcaín [11]
3Ana C. Andrés [3]
4Iosu Arizkuren [3] [11]
5Maria del Puy Carretero [4]
6Rui Castro [6]
7Juanjo Falcón [10] [11] [12]
8Nuno Ferreira [1]
9John Figueroa [7]
10Stephan Grimm [1]
11Ido Iurgel (Ido Aharon Iurgel) [3]
12Ivan Jimenez [1] [6]
13Sergio Di Marca [1]
14Gorka Marcos [1] [6]
15Marco Mauri [1] [6]
16Miguel A. Melgarejo [7]
17Aitor Moreno [11]
18Marcelino Novo [11]
19Amalia Ortiz [2] [3] [4]
20David Oyarzun [2] [3] [4]
21Joaquín Oyarzun [10] [12]
22Massimiliano Pianciamore [1] [6]
23Cesar Sanín [13] [14]
24Alvaro Segura [11]
25Paolo Selvini [1] [6]
26Neyir Sevilmis [1] [6]
27Tim Smithers [1] [6]
28Jairo Soriano [7]
29André Stork [1] [5] [6] [8] [9]
30Edward Szczerbicki [13] [14]
31Maite Termenón [10]
32Bruno Thelen [1] [6]
33Carlos Toro [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
34Javier Vaquero [13]
35Stefan Wundrak [5] [8] [9]
36Vincenzo Zecchino [1] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)