
Iker Aizpurua

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4EEMaria del Puy Carretero, David Oyarzun, Amalia Ortiz, Iker Aizpurua, Jorge Posada: Virtual characters facial and body animation through the edition and interpretation of mark-up languages. Computers & Graphics 29(2): 189-194 (2005)
3EEIker Aizpurua, Amalia Ortiz, David Oyarzun, Iosu Arizkuren, Ana C. Andrés, Jorge Posada, Ido Iurgel: Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications. AMDO 2004: 26-34
2EEAmalia Ortiz, David Oyarzun, Iker Aizpurua, Jorge Posada: Three-Dimensional Whole Body of Virtual Character Animation for its Behavior in a Virtual Environment Using H-Anim and Inverse Kinematics. Computer Graphics International 2004: 307-310
1EEJulián Flórez, Igor García, Iker Aizpurua, Céline Paloc, Alejandro Ugarte, Igor Jainaga, Jesús Colet, Xabier Zubiaur: SEITV - Interactive Multimedia Leisure/Educational Services for Digital TV in MHP. ICEC 2004: 248-253

Coauthor Index

1Ana C. Andrés [3]
2Iosu Arizkuren [3]
3Maria del Puy Carretero [4]
4Jesús Colet [1]
5Julián Flórez [1]
6Igor García [1]
7Ido Iurgel (Ido Aharon Iurgel) [3]
8Igor Jainaga [1]
9Amalia Ortiz [2] [3] [4]
10David Oyarzun [2] [3] [4]
11Céline Paloc [1]
12Jorge Posada [2] [3] [4]
13Alejandro Ugarte [1]
14Xabier Zubiaur [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)