
Marcelo Pasin

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3EERodrigo Da Rosa Righi, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Márcia C. Cera, Marcelo Pasin: Asynchronous Communication in Java over Infiniband and DECK. SBAC-PAD 2005: 176-183
2EEAlexandre Carissimi, Marcelo Pasin: Athapascan: An Experience on Mixing MPI Communications and Threads. PVM/MPI 1998: 137-144
1 Jacques Briat, Ilan Ginzburg, Marcelo Pasin, Brigitte Plateau: Athapascan Runtime: Efficiency for Irregular Problems. Euro-Par 1997: 591-600

Coauthor Index

1Jacques Briat [1]
2Alexandre Carissimi [2]
3Márcia C. Cera [3]
4Ilan Ginzburg [1]
5Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux [3]
6Brigitte Plateau [1]
7Rodrigo Da Rosa Righi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)