
Yusuf Pisan

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16 Ruth Christie, Gavin Sade, Yusuf Pisan: Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, IE 2008, 3-5 December 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia ACM 2008
15EEDamian Hills, Yusuf Pisan, Ernest Edmonds: Towards a generic framework for situated collaborative storytelling. IE 2008: 3
14EEViveka Weiley, Yusuf Pisan: The distributed studio: towards a theory of virtual place for creative collaboration. OZCHI 2008: 343-346
13EEYusuf Pisan: My guild, my people: role of guilds in massively multiplayer online games. IE 2007: 20
12EEYusuf Pisan: Nick Montfort, Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction , MIT Press (2005) ISBN 0-262-13436-5. Artif. Intell. 171(18): 1124-1126 (2007)
11EERodney Berry, Masahide Naemura, Yuichi Kobayashi, Masahiro Tada, Naomi Inoue, Yusuf Pisan, Ernest Edmonds: An interface test-bed for 'Kansei' filters using the touch designer visual programming environment. AUIC 2006: 173-176
10EEYong-Bin Kang, Yusuf Pisan: A Survey of Major Challenges and Future Directions for Next Generation Pervasive Computing. ISCIS 2006: 755-764
9 Sebastian Welsh, Yusuf Pisan: Enhancing Information Acquisition in Game Agents. IC-AI 2005: 527-533
8 Yusuf Pisan, Chi Wai Wong: Tools for Creating Interactive Teaching Environments. ICALT 2004
7 Yusuf Pisan: Challenges for Network Computer Games. ICWI 2004: 589-595
6EEYusuf Pisan, Debbie Richards, Anthony M. Sloane, Helena Koncek, Simon Mitchell: A Web-based System for Automatic Program Critiquing. ACE 2003: 59-68
5 Jayashree Roy, Debbie Richards, Yusuf Pisan: Helping Teachers Implement Experience Based Learning. ICCE 2002: 1396-1397
4 Yusuf Pisan, Anthony M. Sloane, Debbie Richards, Robert Dale: Providing Timely Feedback to Large Classes. ICCE 2002: 413-414
3 Yusuf Pisan, Abhaya C. Nayak: Increasing Belivability: Agents That Justify Their Actions. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1347-1350
2EEYusuf Pisan: Extending requirement specifications using analogy. ICSE 2000: 70-76
1 Yusuf Pisan: Controlling Engineering Problem Solving. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 496-504

Coauthor Index

1Rodney Berry [11]
2Ruth Christie [16]
3Robert Dale [4]
4Ernest Edmonds [11] [15]
5Damian Hills [15]
6Naomi Inoue [11]
7Yong-Bin Kang [10]
8Yuichi Kobayashi [11]
9Helena Koncek [6]
10Simon Mitchell [6]
11Masahide Naemura [11]
12Abhaya C. Nayak [3]
13Debbie Richards [4] [5] [6]
14Jayashree Roy [5]
15Gavin Sade [16]
16Anthony M. Sloane [4] [6]
17Masahiro Tada [11]
18Viveka Weiley [14]
19Sebastian Welsh [9]
20Chi Wai Wong [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)