
Ralph Peters

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6 Charles Q. Little, Ralph Peters: Simulated Mobile Self-Location Using 3D Range Sensing and an A-Priori Map. ICRA 2005: 1459-1464
5EEStefan Noll, Christian Paul, Ralph Peters, Norbert Schiffner: Autonomous Agents in Collaborative Virtual Environments. WETICE 1999: 208-215
4EEVolker Wulf, Matthias Krings, Oliver Stiemerling, Giulio Iacucci, Martin Maidhof, Ralph Peters, Paul Fuchs-Fronhofen, Bernhard Nett, Joachim Hinrichs: Improving Inter-Organizational Processes with Integrated Organization and Technology Development. J. UCS 5(6): 339-366 (1999)
3 Giulio Iacucci, Ralph Peters, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf: Telecooperation Systems in Engineering Companies Supplying the Metallurgy Industry: The Experience of the OrgTech Project. PROLAMAT 1998: 107-120
2EERalph Peters, Andreas Graeff, Christian Paul: Integrating Agents into Virtual Worlds. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation 1997: 69-74
1EERalph Peters, Christian Neuss: CrystalWeb - A Distributed Authoring Environment for the World-Wide Web. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 861-870 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Fuchs-Fronhofen [4]
2Andreas Graeff [2]
3Joachim Hinrichs [4]
4Giulio Jacucci (Giulio Iacucci) [3] [4]
5Matthias Krings [4]
6Charles Q. Little [6]
7Martin Maidhof [4]
8Bernhard Nett [4]
9Christian Neuss [1]
10Stefan Noll [5]
11Christian Paul [2] [5]
12Norbert Schiffner [5]
13Oliver Stiemerling [3] [4]
14Volker Wulf [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)