
Christian Neuss

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7 Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss: Conceptual Analysis of Hypertext. Intelligent Hypertext 1997: 70-89
6 Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss: Content is Key: Viewing Conceptualized Content. WebNet 1997
5 Robert E. Kent, Christian Neuss: Web conceptual space. WebNet 1996
4EERalph Peters, Christian Neuss: CrystalWeb - A Distributed Authoring Environment for the World-Wide Web. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 861-870 (1995)
3EEChristian Neuss, Robert E. Kent: Conceptual Analysis of Resource Meta-Information. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(6): 973-984 (1995)
2EERobert E. Kent, Christian Neuss: Creating a Web Analysis and Visualization Environment. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(1&2): 109-117 (1995)
1EENorbert Gerfelder, Christian Neuss: The image communication information board: A hypermedia information system for standards and activities in the area of image communication. Computers & Graphics 18(1): 35-46 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Norbert Gerfelder [1]
2Robert E. Kent [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
3Ralph Peters [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)