
Dan Pescaru

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4EEDoru Todinca, Dan Pescaru, Mihaela Vitalariu: OMNeT++ models for resource allocation in wireless networks. SimuTools 2008: 84
3EESankalp S. Kallakuri, Alex Doboli, Simona Doboli, Dan Pescaru, Daniel Curiac: SoC Design Point Selection for Dynamic Adaptation under Continuously Varying Throughput Constraints. AHS 2007: 365-372
2EEBogdan Ciubotaru, Dan Pescaru, Doru Todinca: Performances Analysis on Video Transmission in a Wireless Sensor Network. SACI 2007: 183-186
1EEDaniela Fuiorea, Vasile Gui, Dan Pescaru, Corneliu Toma: Using Registration Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Network Node Localization. SACI 2007: 209-214

Coauthor Index

1Bogdan Ciubotaru [2]
2Daniel Curiac (Daniel-Ioan Curiac) [3]
3Alex Doboli (Alexa Doboli) [3]
4Simona Doboli [3]
5Daniela Fuiorea [1]
6Vasile Gui [1]
7Sankalp S. Kallakuri (Sankalp Kallakuri) [3]
8Doru Todinca [2] [4]
9Corneliu Toma [1]
10Mihaela Vitalariu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)