2008 |
24 | | Dogan Kesdogan,
Vinh Pham,
Lexi Pimenidis:
Analyse der Verkettbarkeit in nutzergesteuerten Identitätsmanagementsystemen.
Sicherheit 2008: 17-30 |
2006 |
23 | | Zinaida Benenson,
Felix C. Freiling,
Thorsten Holz,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Lucia Draque Penso:
Safety, Liveness, and Information Flow: Dependability Revisited.
ARCS Workshops 2006: 56-65 |
22 | EE | Milan Fort,
Felix C. Freiling,
Lucia Draque Penso,
Zinaida Benenson,
Dogan Kesdogan:
TrustedPals: Secure Multiparty Computation Implemented with Smart Cards.
ESORICS 2006: 34-48 |
21 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Dakshi Agrawal,
Vinh Pham,
Dieter Rautenbach:
Fundamental Limits on the Anonymity Provided by the MIX Technique.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2006: 86-99 |
20 | | Sebastian Clauß,
Stefan Schiffner,
Sandra Steinbrecher,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Tobias Kölsch,
Lexi Pimenidis:
Identitätsmanagement und das Risiko der Re-Identifikation.
Sicherheit 2006: 188-191 |
19 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Charles Palmer:
Technical challenges of network anonymity.
Computer Communications 29(3): 306-324 (2006) |
2005 |
18 | EE | Sebastian Claubeta,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Tobias Kölsch:
Privacy enhancing identity management: protection against re-identification and profiling.
Digital Identity Management 2005: 84-93 |
17 | EE | Tobias Kölsch,
Lothar Fritsch,
Markulf Kohlweiss,
Dogan Kesdogan:
Privacy for Profitable Location Based Services.
SPC 2005: 164-178 |
16 | | Dogan Kesdogan,
Oliver Rattay:
Sicherheitsbewertung von Anonymisierungsverfahren im World Wide Web.
Sicherheit 2005: 233-244 |
15 | | Zinaida Benenson,
Felix C. Gärtner,
Dogan Kesdogan:
Secure Multi-Party Computation with Security Modules.
Sicherheit 2005: 41-52 |
2004 |
14 | | Zinaida Benenson,
Felix C. Gärtner,
Dogan Kesdogan:
User Authentication in Sensor Networks.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 385-389 |
13 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Lexi Pimenidis:
The Hitting Set Attack on Anonymity Protocols.
Information Hiding 2004: 326-339 |
2003 |
12 | EE | Dakshi Agrawal,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Stefan Penz:
Probabilistic Treatment of MIXes to Hamper Traffic Analysis.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2003: 16-27 |
11 | EE | Dakshi Agrawal,
Dogan Kesdogan:
Measuring Anonymity: The Disclosure Attack.
IEEE Security & Privacy 1(6): 27-34 (2003) |
2002 |
10 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Dakshi Agrawal,
Stefan Penz:
Limits of Anonymity in Open Environments.
Information Hiding 2002: 53-69 |
9 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Mark Borning,
Michael Schmeink:
Unobservable Surfing on the World Wide Web: Is Private Information Retrieval an Alternative to the MIX Based Approach?
Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2002: 224-238 |
1999 |
8 | | Dogan Kesdogan,
Andrei Trofimov,
Dirk Trossen:
Strategies for Minimizing the Average Cost of Paging on the Air Interface.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999: 488-499 |
7 | EE | Roland Büschkes,
Mark Borning,
Dogan Kesdogan:
Transaction-based Anomaly Detection.
Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring 1999: 129-140 |
1998 |
6 | EE | Roland Büschkes,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Peter Reichl:
How to Increase Security in Mobile Networks by Anomaly Detection.
ACSAC 1998: 3-12 |
5 | EE | Peter Reichl,
Dogan Kesdogan,
Klaus Junghärtchen,
Marko Schuba:
Simulative Performance Evaluation of the Temporary Pseudonym Method for Protecting Location Information in GSM Networks.
Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools) 1998: 105-116 |
4 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Peter Reichl,
Klaus Junghärtchen:
Distributed Temporary Pseudonyms: A New Approach for Protecting Location Information in Mobile Communication Networks.
ESORICS 1998: 295-312 |
3 | EE | Dogan Kesdogan,
Jan Egner,
Roland Büschkes:
Stop-and-Go-MIXes Providing Probabilistic Anonymity in an Open System.
Information Hiding 1998: 83-98 |
1996 |
2 | | Simon Hoff,
Kai Jakobs,
Dogan Kesdogan:
Anonymous Mobility Management for Third Generation Mobile Networks.
Communications and Multimedia Security 1996: 72-83 |
1 | | Dogan Kesdogan,
Hannes Federrath,
Anja Jerichow,
Andreas Pfitzmann:
Location management strategies increasing privacy in mobile communication.
SEC 1996: 39-48 |