
Y. C. Pati

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6EEY. C. Pati: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You: Designing for Survival in a Sub-wavelength Environment. ISQED 2002: 27-
5EEDan Schweikert, Joseph B. Costello, Rajeev Madhavan, Y. C. Pati, Judy Owen, Steve Carlson, Moshe Gavrielov: Emerging companies - acquiring minds want to know (panel session). DAC 2000: 814-815
4EEAndrew B. Kahng, Y. C. Pati, Warren Grobman, Robert Pack, Lance A. Glasser: Subwavelength Lithography: How Will It Affect Your Design Flow? (Panel). DAC 1999: 798
3EEAndrew B. Kahng, Y. C. Pati: Subwavelength Lithography and Its Potential Impact on Design and EDA. DAC 1999: 799-804
2EEAndrew B. Kahng, Y. C. Pati: Subwavelength optical lithography: challenges and impact on physical design. ISPD 1999: 112-119
1EEY. C. Pati, P. S. Krishnaprasad: Discrete Affine Wavelet Transforms. NIPS 1990: 743-749

Coauthor Index

1Steve Carlson [5]
2Joseph B. Costello [5]
3Moshe Gavrielov [5]
4Lance A. Glasser [4]
5Warren Grobman [4]
6Andrew B. Kahng [2] [3] [4]
7P. S. Krishnaprasad [1]
8Rajeev Madhavan [5]
9Judy Owen [5]
10Robert Pack [4]
11Dan Schweikert [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)