
Alexandre Carissimi

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5EERodrigo Da Rosa Righi, Laércio Pilla, Alexandre Carissimi, Nicolas Maillard, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux: ICE: Managing Multiple Clusters Using Web Services. CSE 2008: 64-71
4EEClarissa Cassales Marquezan, Rodrigo Da Rosa Righi, Lucas Mello Schnorr, Alexandre Carissimi, Nicolas Maillard, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux: ICE: A Service Oriented Approach to Uniform the Access and Management of Cluster Environments. CCGRID 2006: 54
3EELeomar S. da Rosa Jr., Flávio Rech Wagner, Luigi Carro, Alexandre Carissimi, André Inácio Reis: Scheduling Policy Costs on a JAVA Microcontroller. OTM Workshops 2003: 520-533
2 Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Alexandre Carissimi, Simão S. Toscani: Sistemas Operacionais. RITA 8(3): 7-39 (2001)
1EEAlexandre Carissimi, Marcelo Pasin: Athapascan: An Experience on Mixing MPI Communications and Threads. PVM/MPI 1998: 137-144

Coauthor Index

1Luigi Carro [3]
2Nicolas Maillard [4] [5]
3Clarissa Cassales Marquezan [4]
4Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux [4] [5]
5Rômulo Silva de Oliveira [2]
6Marcelo Pasin [1]
7Laércio Pilla [5]
8André Inácio Reis [3]
9Rodrigo Da Rosa Righi [4] [5]
10Leomar S. da Rosa Jr. [3]
11Lucas Mello Schnorr [4]
12Simão S. Toscani [2]
13Flávio Rech Wagner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)