
Frank Pasemann

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25EEKeyan Zahedi, Arndt von Twickel, Frank Pasemann: YARS: A Physical 3D Simulator for Evolving Controllers for Real Robots. SIMPAR 2008: 75-86
24EEPoramate Manoonpong, Frank Pasemann, Florentin Wörgötter: Sensor-driven neural control for omnidirectional locomotion and versatile reactive behaviors of walking machines. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(3): 265-288 (2008)
23EEMario Negrello, Frank Pasemann: Transients of Active Tracking: A Stroll in Attractor Spaces. ECAL 2007: 1006-1015
22EEManfred Hild, Frank Pasemann: Self-Adjusting Ring Modules (SARMs) for Flexible Gait Pattern Generation. IJCAI 2007: 848-852
21EEArndt von Twickel, Frank Pasemann: Reflex-oscillations in evolved single leg neurocontrollers for walking machines. Natural Computing 6(3): 311-337 (2007)
20EEMartin Hülse, Steffen Wischmann, Poramate Manoonpong, Arndt von Twickel, Frank Pasemann: Dynamical Systems in the Sensorimotor Loop: On the Interrelation Between Internal and External Mechanisms of Evolved Robot Behavior. 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence 2006: 186-195
19EEKeyan Zahedi, Frank Pasemann: Adaptive Behavior Control with Self-regulating Neurons. 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence 2006: 196-205
18EEMartin Hülse, Frank Pasemann: Modular Design of Irreducible Systems. SAB 2006: 534-545
17EESteffen Wischmann, Frank Pasemann: The Emergence of Communication by Evolving Dynamical Systems. SAB 2006: 777-788
16EESteffen Wischmann, Martin Hülse, Frank Pasemann: (Co)Evolution of (De)Centralized Neural Control for a Gravitationally Driven Machine. ECAL 2005: 179-188
15EEMartin Hülse, Steffen Wischmann, Frank Pasemann: The Role of Non-linearity for Evolved Multifunctional Robot Behavior. ICES 2005: 108-118
14EEArndt von Twickel, Frank Pasemann: Evolved Neural Reflex-Oscillators for Walking Machines. IWINAC (1) 2005: 376-385
13EEMartin Hülse, Steffen Wischmann, Frank Pasemann: Structure and function of evolved neuro-controllers for autonomous robots. Connect. Sci. 16(4): 249-266 (2004)
12EEMartin Hülse, Keyan Zahedi, Frank Pasemann: Representing Robot-Environment Interactions by Dynamical Features of Neur-controllers. Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems 2003: 222-242
11EEFrank Pasemann, Martin Hülse, Keyan Zahedi: Evolved Neurodynamics for Robot Control. ESANN 2003: 439-444
10EEFrank Pasemann, Manfred Hild, Keyan Zahedi: SO(2)-Networks as Neural Oscillators. IWANN (1) 2003: 144-151
9EEMartin Hülse, Frank Pasemann: Dynamical Neural Schmitt Trigger for Robot Control. ICANN 2002: 783-788
8EEMartin Hülse, Bruno Lara, Frank Pasemann, Ulrich Steinmetz: Evolving Neural Behaviour Control for Autonomous Robots. ICANN 2001: 957-962
7EEFrank Pasemann, Uli Steinmetz, Martin Hülse, Bruno Lara: Evolving Brain Structures for Robot Control. IWANN (2) 2001: 410-417
6EEThomas Wennekers, Frank Pasemann: Generalized types of synchronization in networks of spiking neurons. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1037-1042 (2001)
5EEFrank Pasemann: Synchronizing chaotic neuromodules. ESANN 1999: 1-6
4 Frank Pasemann: Driving Neuromodules into Synchronous Chaos. IWANN (1) 1999: 377-384
3 Frank Pasemann: Pole-Balancing with Different Evolved Neurocontrollers. ICANN 1997: 823-829
2 Frank Pasemann, Ulf Dieckmann: Evolved Neurocontrollers for Pole-Balancing. IWANN 1997: 1279-1287
1EEFrank Pasemann: Characterization of periodic attractors in neural ring networks. Neural Networks 8(3): 421-429 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Ulf Dieckmann [2]
2Manfred Hild [10] [22]
3Martin Hülse [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [18] [20]
4Bruno Lara [7] [8]
5Poramate Manoonpong [20] [24]
6Mario Negrello [23]
7Uli Steinmetz [7]
8Ulrich Steinmetz [8]
9Arndt von Twickel [14] [20] [21] [25]
10Thomas Wennekers [6]
11Steffen Wischmann [13] [15] [16] [17] [20]
12Florentin Wörgötter [24]
13Keyan Zahedi [10] [11] [12] [19] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)