
S. Mills

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3EEC. J. Rose, S. Mills, J. P. B. O'Connor, Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi, Caleb Roberts, Yvonne Watson, Brandon J. Whitcher, Gordon C. Jayson, Alan Jackson, Geoffrey J. M. Parker: Quantifying Heterogeneity in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Parameter Maps. MICCAI (2) 2007: 376-384
2EES. Mills: Contextualising design: Aspects of using usability context analysis and hierarchical task analysis for software design. Behaviour & IT 26(6): 499-506 (2007)
1EELinda Duxbury, S. Mills: The electronic briefcase and work-family conflict. ICIS 1989: 165-172

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi [3]
2Linda Duxbury [1]
3Alan Jackson [3]
4Gordon C. Jayson [3]
5J. P. B. O'Connor [3]
6Geoffrey J. M. Parker [3]
7Caleb Roberts [3]
8C. J. Rose [3]
9Yvonne Watson [3]
10Brandon J. Whitcher [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)