
Jong Sou Park

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43EEDong Seong Kim, Sazia Parvin, Jong Sou Park: Software Rejuvenation and Reconfiguration for Enhancing Survivability of Sensor Networks. AINA Workshops 2008: 732-737
42EEDong Seong Kim, Muhammad Anwarul Azim, Jong Sou Park: Privacy Preserving Support Vector Machines in Wireless Sensor Networks. ARES 2008: 1260-1265
41EEThandar Thein, Sung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park: Improving Fault Tolerance by Virtualization and Software Rejuvenation. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 855-860
40EEKhin Haymar Saw Hla, YoungSik Choi, Jong Sou Park: The Multi Agent System Solutions for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. KES-AMSTA 2008: 454-463
39EEThandar Thein, Sung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park: Proactive Fault Management with Virtualization for Software Aging. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2008: 189-200
38EEDong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: Modeling Network Intrusion Detection System Using Feature Selection and Parameters Optimization. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 1050-1057 (2008)
37EEDong Seong Kim, Taek-Hyun Shin, Jong Sou Park: A Security Framework in RFID Multi-domain System. ARES 2007: 1227-1234
36EEDong Seong Kim, Chung Su Yang, Jong Sou Park: Adaptation Mechanisms for Survivable Sensor Networks against Denial of Service Attack. ARES 2007: 575-579
35EESazia Parvin, Jong Sou Park: An Efficient Music Retrieval Using Noise Cancellation. FGCN (1) 2007: 541-546
34EESu Thawda Win, Thandar Thein, Jong Sou Park: To Increase Survivability with Software Rejuvenation by Having Dual Base Station in WSN Environment. ISPA Workshops 2007: 1-10
33EEShu Qin Ren, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: A Secure Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. ISPA Workshops 2007: 32-40
32EEDong Seong Kim, Mohammed Golam Sadi, Jong Sou Park: A Key Revocation Scheme for Mobile Sensor Networks. ISPA Workshops 2007: 41-49
31EEDong Seong Kim, Khaja Mohammad Shazzad, Jong Sou Park: A Framework of Survivability Model for Wireless Sensor Network. ARES 2006: 515-522
30EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park: Survival of the Internet Applications: A Cluster Recovery Model. CCGRID 2006: 33
29EEMisun Moon, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: Toward Modeling Sensor Node Security Using Task-Role Based Access Control with TinySec. CIS 2006: 743-749
28EEDong Seong Kim, Taek-Hyun Shin, Byungil Lee, Jong Sou Park: Access Control and Authorization for Security of RFID Multi-domain Using SAML and XACML. CIS 2006: 887-893
27EEDong Seong Kim, Sang Min Lee, Jong Sou Park: Building Lightweight Intrusion Detection System Based on Random Forest. ISNN (2) 2006: 224-230
26EEDong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: A Survivable Distributed Sensor Networks Through Stochastic Models. ISPA Workshops 2006: 185-194
25EEDong Seong Kim, Sang Min Lee, Jong Sou Park: Toward Lightweight Intrusion Detection System Through Simultaneous Intrinsic Model Identification. ISPA Workshops 2006: 981-989
24EEJong Sou Park, Sung-Hwan Kim, Dong Seong Kim: A Hardware Implementation of Lightweight Block Cipher for Ubiquitous Computing Security. KES (1) 2006: 935-942
23EEDong Seong Kim, Sang Min Lee, Jong Sou Park: Toward Lightweight Detection and Visualization for Denial of Service Attacks. MICAI 2006: 632-640
22EEDong Seong Kim, Ha-Nam Nguyen, Jong Sou Park: Genetic Algorithm to Improve SVM Based Network Intrusion Detection System. AINA 2005: 155-158
21EEJang-Se Lee, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park, Sung-Do Chi: Design of Intelligent Security Management System Using Simulation-Based Analysis. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 766-775
20EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park: A rejuvenation methodology of cluster recovery. CCGRID 2005: 90-95
19EEJong Sou Park, Khaja Mohammad Shazzad, Dong Seong Kim: Toward Modeling Lightweight Intrusion Detection System Through Correlation-Based Hybrid Feature Selection. CISC 2005: 279-289
18EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park, Howon Kim, Byungil Lee: A Survivability Model for Cluster System Under DoS Attacks. HPCC 2005: 567-572
17EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park: A Survivability Model for Cluster System. ICA3PP 2005: 73-82
16EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park: A Model of ITS Using Cold Standby Cluster. ICADL 2005: 1-10
15EEMohammed Golam Sadi, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: GBR: Grid Based Random Key Predistribution for Wireless Sensor Network. ICPADS (2) 2005: 310-315
14EEDong Seong Kim, Ha-Nam Nguyen, Syng-Yup Ohn, Jong Sou Park: Fusions of GA and SVM for Anomaly Detection in Intrusion Detection System. ISNN (3) 2005: 415-420
13EEJong Sou Park, Mohammed Golam Sadi, Dong Seong Kim, Young Deog Song: A Novel Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme for Ubiquitous Sensor Network. MADNES 2005: 2-13
12EEKhaja Mohammad Shazzad, Jong Sou Park: Optimization of Intrusion Detection through Fast Hybrid Feature Selection. PDCAT 2005: 264-267
11EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Jong Sou Park: A Framework of Software Rejuvenation for Survivability. AINA (2) 2004: 507-510
10EEJang-Se Lee, Jung-Rae Jung, Jong Sou Park, Sung-Do Chi: Linux-Based System Modelling for Cyber-attack Simulation. AIS 2004: 585-596
9EEJong Sou Park, Khin Mi Mi Aung: Transient Time Analysis of Network Security Survivability Using DEVS. AIS 2004: 607-616
8EESyng-Yup Ohn, Ha-Nam Nguyen, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: Determining Optimal Decision Model for Support Vector Machine by Genetic Algorithm. CIS 2004: 895-902
7EEKhin Mi Mi Aung, Jong Sou Park: Software Rejuvenation Approach to Security Engineering. ICCSA (4) 2004: 574-583
6EEJong Sou Park, Hong Tae Jin, Dong Seong Kim: Intrusion Detection System for Securing Geographical Information System Web Servers. W2GIS 2004: 110-119
5EEDong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park: Network-Based Intrusion Detection with Support Vector Machines. ICOIN 2003: 747-756
4EESung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park, Jang-Se Lee: A Role of DEVS Simulation for Information Assurance. WISA 2003: 27-41
3EESung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park, Ki-Chan Jung, Jang-Se Lee: Network Security Modeling and Cyber Attack Simulation Methodology. ACISP 2001: 320-333
2EEJong Ha Hwang, Jae Ho Ro, Keung Hae Lee, Jong Sou Park, Soochan Hwang: An XML-Based 3-Dimensional Graphic Database System. Human.Society@Internet 2001: 454-467
1EEJong Sou Park, Jang-Se Lee, Hwan Kuk Kim, Jeong-Rye Jeong, Dong-Bok Yeom, Sung-Do Chi: SECUSIM: A Tool for the Cyber-Attack Simulation. ICICS 2001: 471-475

Coauthor Index

1Khin Mi Mi Aung [7] [9] [11] [16] [17] [18] [20] [30]
2Muhammad Anwarul Azim [42]
3Sung-Do Chi [1] [3] [4] [10] [21] [39] [41]
4YoungSik Choi [40]
5Khin Haymar Saw Hla [40]
6Jong Ha Hwang [2]
7Soochan Hwang [2]
8Jeong-Rye Jeong [1]
9Hong Tae Jin [6]
10Jung-Rae Jung [10]
11Ki-Chan Jung [3]
12Dong Seong Kim [5] [6] [8] [13] [14] [15] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [33] [36] [37] [38] [42] [43]
13Howon Kim (Ho Won Kim) [18]
14Hwan Kuk Kim [1]
15Sung-Hwan Kim [24]
16Byungil Lee [18] [28]
17Jang-Se Lee [1] [3] [4] [10] [21]
18Keung Hae Lee [2]
19Sang Min Lee [23] [25] [27]
20Misun Moon [29]
21Ha-Nam Nguyen [8] [14] [22]
22Syng-Yup Ohn [8] [14]
23Kiejin Park [16] [17] [18] [20] [30]
24Sazia Parvin [35] [43]
25Shu Qin Ren [33]
26Jae Ho Ro [2]
27Mohammed Golam Sadi [13] [15] [32]
28Khaja Mohammad Shazzad [12] [19] [31]
29Taek-Hyun Shin [28] [37]
30Young Deog Song [13]
31Thandar Thein [34] [39] [41]
32Su Thawda Win [34]
33Chung Su Yang [36]
34Dong-Bok Yeom [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)