
Jang-Se Lee

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7EEJang-Se Lee, Dong Seong Kim, Jong Sou Park, Sung-Do Chi: Design of Intelligent Security Management System Using Simulation-Based Analysis. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 766-775
6EEJong-Keun Lee, Min-Woo Lee, Jang-Se Lee, Sung-Do Chi, Syng-Yup Ohn: Automated Cyber-attack Scenario Generation Using the Symbolic Simulation. AIS 2004: 380-389
5EEJang-Se Lee, Jung-Rae Jung, Jong Sou Park, Sung-Do Chi: Linux-Based System Modelling for Cyber-attack Simulation. AIS 2004: 585-596
4EESung-Do Chi, Ye-Hwan Lim, Jong-Keun Lee, Jang-Se Lee, Soo-Chan Hwang, Byung-Heum Song: A Simulation-Based Decision Support System for Forest Fire Fighting. AI*IA 2003: 487-498
3EESung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park, Jang-Se Lee: A Role of DEVS Simulation for Information Assurance. WISA 2003: 27-41
2EESung-Do Chi, Jong Sou Park, Ki-Chan Jung, Jang-Se Lee: Network Security Modeling and Cyber Attack Simulation Methodology. ACISP 2001: 320-333
1EEJong Sou Park, Jang-Se Lee, Hwan Kuk Kim, Jeong-Rye Jeong, Dong-Bok Yeom, Sung-Do Chi: SECUSIM: A Tool for the Cyber-Attack Simulation. ICICS 2001: 471-475

Coauthor Index

1Sung-Do Chi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Soo-Chan Hwang [4]
3Jeong-Rye Jeong [1]
4Jung-Rae Jung [5]
5Ki-Chan Jung [2]
6Dong Seong Kim [7]
7Hwan Kuk Kim [1]
8Jong-Keun Lee [4] [6]
9Min-Woo Lee [6]
10Ye-Hwan Lim [4]
11Syng-Yup Ohn [6]
12Jong Sou Park [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
13Byung-Heum Song [4]
14Dong-Bok Yeom [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)