
Jong-Hee Park

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17 Dong-Hoon Kim, Jong-Hee Park: An Object Selection Mechanism for Schema Integration of Agent's Knowledge Structure in Virtual Reality. ICEIS (2) 2008: 411-415
16 Y.-H. Kong, Se-Jin Ji, J.-W. Kwon, Jong-Hee Park: Modeling of events caused by fire for virtual reality based on structured event frame. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 224-229
15 Kyu-Yol Oh, Byung-Ju Kim, Jung-Woo Kwon, Se-Jin Ji, Jong-Hee Park: Simulation of Events using Contour Map in the Virtual Environment. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 262-267
14 Se-Jin Ji, Jeong-Woo Kwon, Byung-Joo Kim, Jong-Hee Park: An Elaborated Knowledge Structure for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 480-486
13EEJeong-Woo Kwon, Se-Jin Ji, Jong-Hee Park: Knowledge Structure of Virtual Inhabitant for an Alibi Reasoning. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 248
12EESe-Jin Ji, Jung-Woo Kwon, Jong-Hee Park: An Elaborated Goal Production Module for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant. IEA/AIE 2006: 770-779
11EESung-Hye Choe, Jong-Hee Park, Sung-Soo Pyo: Hierarchical spatial relation based on a contiguity graph. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(9): 867-892 (2005)
10 Kyu-Yol Oh, Sun-Mi Noh, In-Kyun Lee, Jong-Hee Park: An Efficient Description Model for Dynamic Situations in Virtual Environment. IASSE 2004: 104-108
9EESe-Jin Ji, Byung-Joo Kim, Jong-Hee Park: An Agent-Architecture for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant. MMM 2004: 316-322
8 Un-Don Choi, Jong-Hee Park: EOM Layered Implementation of Life Cycle. Applied Informatics 2003: 56-59
7 Jeong-Woo Kwon, Un-Don Choi, Jong-Hee Park: Modeling of Plant Growth based on Juvenile Energy. Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization 2003: 190-193
6 Tae-Han Kim, Eun-Hee Lee, Jong-Hee Park: The Nursery Model for Logical Virtual Environment. Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization 2003: 200-203
5 Sung-Hye Choe, Jeong-Wook Lee, Jung-Yong Park, Jong-Hee Park: Topological Adjacency Relation Depending on the Scope of an Agent Among Physical Object. IC-AI 2002: 328-333
4 Jeong-Wook Lee, Jin-Young Cho, Eun-Hui Lee, Jong-Hee Park: water Simulation by Merge-split Method based on State. IC-AI 2002: 622-625
3 Se-Jin Ji, Un-Don Choi, Jong-Hee Park, Young-Wook Woo, Won-Taek Hwang: A Virtual SCG-based Model for Event Development. IC-AI 2002: 691-696
2 Jin-Young Cho, Sung-Hye Choe, Se-Jin Ji, Jong-Hee Park: Message-based Model for Diverse Events by Structured Objects in Virtual Natural Environment. IC-AI 2002: 722-727
1 Un-Don Choi, Eun-Hee Lee, Jung-Yong Park, Jong-Hee Park: Aggregated, Disorderly and Defective (ADD) Model. IC-AI 2002: 745-749

Coauthor Index

1Jin-Young Cho [2] [4]
2Sung-Hye Choe [2] [5] [11]
3Un-Don Choi [1] [3] [7] [8]
4Won-Taek Hwang [3]
5Se-Jin Ji [2] [3] [9] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
6Byung-Joo Kim [9] [14]
7Byung-Ju Kim [15]
8Dong-Hoon Kim [17]
9Tae-Han Kim [6]
10Y.-H. Kong [16]
11J.-W. Kwon [16]
12Jeong-Woo Kwon [7] [13] [14]
13Jung-Woo Kwon [12] [15]
14Eun-Hee Lee [1] [6]
15Eun-Hui Lee [4]
16In-Kyun Lee [10]
17Jeong-Wook Lee [4] [5]
18Sun-Mi Noh [10]
19Kyu-Yol Oh [10] [15]
20Jung-Yong Park [1] [5]
21Sung-Soo Pyo [11]
22Young-Wook Woo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)