
Y.-H. Kong

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2 Y.-H. Kong, Se-Jin Ji, J.-W. Kwon, Jong-Hee Park: Modeling of events caused by fire for virtual reality based on structured event frame. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 224-229
1EEW. B. Song, D. S. Park, B. S. Kim, Y.-H. Kong: Extracting Parallelism in Nested Loops. COMPSAC 1996: 41-

Coauthor Index

1Se-Jin Ji [2]
2B. S. Kim [1]
3J.-W. Kwon [2]
4D. S. Park [1]
5Jong-Hee Park [2]
6W. B. Song [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)