
Byung-Joo Kim

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15 Se-Jin Ji, Jeong-Woo Kwon, Byung-Joo Kim, Jong-Hee Park: An Elaborated Knowledge Structure for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006: 480-486
14EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Improved Kernel Based Intrusion Detection System. ICANN (2) 2006: 863-871
13EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Improved Realtime Intrusion Detection System. ICONIP (3) 2006: 192-200
12EEByung-Joo Kim, Jae-Il Koo, Min-Cheol Hong, Seongsoo Lee: Low-Power H.264 Deblocking Filter Algorithm and Its SoC Implementation. PSIVT 2006: 771-779
11EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: A Novel Hybrid System for Dynamic Control. SEAL 2006: 609-616
10EEByung-Joo Kim, Chang-Bum Lee, Il Kon Kim: A Robust Realtime Surveillance System. SSPR/SPR 2006: 314-321
9EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Kernel Based Intrusion Detection System. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 13-18
8EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Machine Learning Approach to Realtime Intrusion Detection System. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 153-163
7EEByung-Joo Kim: Active Visual Learning and Recognition Using Incremental Kernel PCA. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 585-592
6EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Two-Tier Based Intrusion Detection System. FSKD (2) 2005: 581-591
5EESe-Jin Ji, Byung-Joo Kim, Jong-Hee Park: An Agent-Architecture for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant. MMM 2004: 316-322
4EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim, Kwang-Baek Kim: Feature Extraction and Classification System for Nonlinear and Online Data. PAKDD 2004: 171-180
3EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: An Application of Hybrid Least Squares Support Vector Machine to Environmental Process Modeling. PDCAT 2004: 184-187
2EEByung-Joo Kim, Il Kon Kim: Incremental Nonlinear PCA for Classification. PKDD 2004: 291-300
1EEByung-Joo Kim, Joo Yong Shim, Changha Hwang, Il Kon Kim, Joon Hyun Song: Incremental Feature Extraction Based on Empirical Kernel Map. ISMIS 2003: 440-444

Coauthor Index

1Min-Cheol Hong [12]
2Changha Hwang [1]
3Se-Jin Ji [5] [15]
4Il Kon Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
5Kwang-Baek Kim [4]
6Jae-Il Koo [12]
7Jeong-Woo Kwon [15]
8Chang-Bum Lee [10]
9Seongsoo Lee [12]
10Jong-Hee Park [5] [15]
11Joo Yong Shim [1]
12Joon Hyun Song [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)