
Carmen M. Pancerella

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10EEKaren Schuchardt, Carmen M. Pancerella, Larry A. Rahn, Brett T. Didier, Deepti Kodeboyina, David Leahy, James D. Myers, Oluwayemisi O. Oluwole, William Pitz, Branko Ruscic, Jing Song, Gregor von Laszewski, Christine L. Yang: Portal-based Knowledge Environment for Collaborative Science. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(12): 1703-1716 (2007)
9EEJames D. Myers, Thomas C. Allison, Sandra Bittner, Brett T. Didier, Michael Frenklach, William H. Green Jr., Yen-Ling Ho, John C. Hewson, Wendy S. Koegler, Carina Lansing, David Leahy, Michael Lee, Renata McCoy, Michael Minkoff, Sandeep Nijsure, Gregor von Laszewski, David Montoya, Luwi Oluwole, Carmen M. Pancerella, Reinhardt Pinzon, William Pitz, Larry A. Rahn, Branko Ruscic, Karen Schuchardt, Eric G. Stephan, Al Wagner, Theresa L. Windus, Christine L. Yang: A Collaborative Informatics Infrastructure for Multi-Scale Science. Cluster Computing 8(4): 243-253 (2005)
8EEJames D. Myers, Thomas C. Allison, Sandra Bittner, Brett T. Didier, Michael Frenklach, William H. Green Jr., Yen-Ling Ho, John C. Hewson, Wendy S. Koegler, Carina Lansing, David Leahy, Michael Lee, Renata McCoy, Michael Minkoff, Sandeep Nijsure, Gregor von Laszewski, David Montoya, Carmen M. Pancerella, Reinhardt Pinzon, William Pitz, Larry A. Rahn, Branko Ruscic, Karen Schuchardt, Eric G. Stephan, Al Wagner, Theresa L. Windus, Christine L. Yang: A Collaborative Informatics Infrastructure for Multi-scale Science. CLADE 2004: 24
7EECarmen M. Pancerella, James D. Myers, Christine L. Yang, Deborah K. Gracio: Collaborative Problem Solving Environments - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
6EECarmen M. Pancerella, Nina M. Berry: A Layered Agent Template for Enterprise Computing. Agents Workshop on Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems 2000: 188-191
5EEAmy Unruh, Carmen M. Pancerella: Software Agent Communities - Introduction. HICSS 1999
4 Carmen M. Pancerella, Nina M. Berry: Adding Intelligent Agents to Existing EI Frameworks. IEEE Internet Computing 3(5): 60-61 (1999)
3EERobert A. Whiteside, Carmen M. Pancerella, Paul A. Klevgard: A CORBA-Based Manufacturing Environment. HICSS (1) 1997: 34-43
2 Paul F. Reynolds Jr., Carmen M. Pancerella, Sudhir Srinivasan: Design and Performance Analysis of Hardware Support for Parallel Simulations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(4): 435-453 (1993)
1EEPaul F. Reynolds Jr., Carmen M. Pancerella, Sudhir Srinivasan: Making Parallel Simulations go Fast. Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 646-656

Coauthor Index

1Thomas C. Allison [8] [9]
2Nina M. Berry [4] [6]
3Sandra Bittner [8] [9]
4Brett T. Didier [8] [9] [10]
5Michael Frenklach [8] [9]
6Deborah K. Gracio [7]
7William H. Green Jr. [8] [9]
8John C. Hewson [8] [9]
9Yen-Ling Ho [8] [9]
10Paul A. Klevgard [3]
11Deepti Kodeboyina [10]
12Wendy S. Koegler [8] [9]
13Carina Lansing [8] [9]
14Gregor von Laszewski [8] [9] [10]
15David Leahy [8] [9] [10]
16Michael Lee [8] [9]
17Renata McCoy [8] [9]
18Michael Minkoff [8] [9]
19David Montoya [8] [9]
20James D. Myers [7] [8] [9] [10]
21Sandeep Nijsure [8] [9]
22Luwi Oluwole [9]
23Oluwayemisi O. Oluwole [10]
24Reinhardt Pinzon [8] [9]
25William Pitz [8] [9] [10]
26Larry A. Rahn [8] [9] [10]
27Paul F. Reynolds Jr. [1] [2]
28Branko Ruscic [8] [9] [10]
29Karen Schuchardt [8] [9] [10]
30Jing Song [10]
31Sudhir Srinivasan [1] [2]
32Eric G. Stephan [8] [9]
33Amy Unruh [5]
34Al Wagner [8] [9]
35Robert A. Whiteside [3]
36Theresa L. Windus [8] [9]
37Christine L. Yang [7] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)