
Carina Lansing

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5EEJames D. Myers, Thomas C. Allison, Sandra Bittner, Brett T. Didier, Michael Frenklach, William H. Green Jr., Yen-Ling Ho, John C. Hewson, Wendy S. Koegler, Carina Lansing, David Leahy, Michael Lee, Renata McCoy, Michael Minkoff, Sandeep Nijsure, Gregor von Laszewski, David Montoya, Luwi Oluwole, Carmen M. Pancerella, Reinhardt Pinzon, William Pitz, Larry A. Rahn, Branko Ruscic, Karen Schuchardt, Eric G. Stephan, Al Wagner, Theresa L. Windus, Christine L. Yang: A Collaborative Informatics Infrastructure for Multi-Scale Science. Cluster Computing 8(4): 243-253 (2005)
4EERobert J. Gdanitz, Gary D. Black, Carina Lansing, Bruce J. Palmer, Karen Schuchardt: Registering the Amica electronic structure code in the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(3): 214-225 (2005)
3EEJames D. Myers, Thomas C. Allison, Sandra Bittner, Brett T. Didier, Michael Frenklach, William H. Green Jr., Yen-Ling Ho, John C. Hewson, Wendy S. Koegler, Carina Lansing, David Leahy, Michael Lee, Renata McCoy, Michael Minkoff, Sandeep Nijsure, Gregor von Laszewski, David Montoya, Carmen M. Pancerella, Reinhardt Pinzon, William Pitz, Larry A. Rahn, Branko Ruscic, Karen Schuchardt, Eric G. Stephan, Al Wagner, Theresa L. Windus, Christine L. Yang: A Collaborative Informatics Infrastructure for Multi-scale Science. CLADE 2004: 24
2EEGeorge Chin Jr., Carina Lansing: Capturing and supporting contexts for scientific data sharing via the biological sciences collaboratory. CSCW 2004: 409-418
1 George Chin Jr., Carina Lansing: The Biological Sciences Collaboratory. METMBS 2004: 91-97

Coauthor Index

1Thomas C. Allison [3] [5]
2Sandra Bittner [3] [5]
3Gary D. Black [4]
4George Chin Jr. [1] [2]
5Brett T. Didier [3] [5]
6Michael Frenklach [3] [5]
7Robert J. Gdanitz [4]
8William H. Green Jr. [3] [5]
9John C. Hewson [3] [5]
10Yen-Ling Ho [3] [5]
11Wendy S. Koegler [3] [5]
12Gregor von Laszewski [3] [5]
13David Leahy [3] [5]
14Michael Lee [3] [5]
15Renata McCoy [3] [5]
16Michael Minkoff [3] [5]
17David Montoya [3] [5]
18James D. Myers [3] [5]
19Sandeep Nijsure [3] [5]
20Luwi Oluwole [5]
21Bruce J. Palmer [4]
22Carmen M. Pancerella [3] [5]
23Reinhardt Pinzon [3] [5]
24William Pitz [3] [5]
25Larry A. Rahn [3] [5]
26Branko Ruscic [3] [5]
27Karen Schuchardt [3] [4] [5]
28Eric G. Stephan [3] [5]
29Al Wagner [3] [5]
30Theresa L. Windus [3] [5]
31Christine L. Yang [3] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)