
Zexin Pan

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4EEZexin Pan, B. Earl Wells: Hardware Supported Task Scheduling on Dynamically Reconfigurable SoC Architectures. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(11): 1465-1474 (2008)
3 Zexin Pan, Juanjo Noguera, B. Earl Wells: Improved Microarchitecture Support for Dynamic Task Scheduling on Reconfigurable Architectures. ERSA 2005: 182-188
2EEZexin Pan, W. David Pan, Aleksandar Milenkovic: Complexity-distortion tradeoffs in variable complexity 2-D DCT. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 460-465
1 Zexin Pan, Srikanth Venkateswaran, Swathi Tanjore Gurumani, B. Earl Wells: Exploiting Fine-Grain Parallelism of IDEA Using Xilinx FPGA. ISCA PDCS 2003: 377-382

Coauthor Index

1Swathi Tanjore Gurumani [1]
2Aleksandar Milenkovic [2]
3Juanjo Noguera [3]
4W. David Pan (Wendi Pan) [2]
5Srikanth Venkateswaran [1]
6B. Earl Wells [1] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)