
Li Pan

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13EELi Pan, Weidong Zhao, Zhicheng Wang, Xinmin Zhou: A State Class Approach to Time Petri Nets with Weak Semantics. CSSE (2) 2008: 772-775
12EEXiaochun Yang, Weidong Zhao, Li Pan: Graphical symbol recognition in architectural plans with an improved Ant-Tree based clustering algorithm. IJCNN 2008: 390-397
11EELi Pan, Hong Zheng, Li Li: A Hybrid Feature Selection Approach Based on the Bayesian Network Classifier and Rough Sets. RSKT 2008: 707-714
10EEYi-hong Dong, Li Pan, Xiaoying Tai: A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Asymmetric Dataset. FSKD (2) 2007: 198-202
9EELi Pan, Weidong Zhao, Zhicheng Wang, Gang Wei, Shumei Wang: On Computation Complexity of the Concurrently Enabled Transition Set Problem. TAMC 2007: 222-233
8EEHong Zheng, Li Pan, Li Li: A Morphological Neural Network Approach for Vehicle Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery. ICONIP (2) 2006: 99-106
7EELi Pan, Hong Zheng: Bayesian Image Segmentation and the Data Preprocessing Method using Fuzzy C-mean Clustering. IMSCCS (2) 2006: 686-691
6EELi Pan: The impact of e-money on the monetary policy. ICEC 2005: 856-859
5EEHong Zheng, Li Pan: Texture Surface Inspection: An Artificial Immune Approach. ICNC (3) 2005: 934-937
4EERui Jiang, Li Pan, Jian-Hua Li: An improvement on efficient anonymous auction protocols. Computers & Security 24(2): 169-174 (2005)
3EERui Jiang, Li Pan, Jian-Hua Li: Further analysis of password authentication schemes based on authentication tests. Computers & Security 23(6): 469-477 (2004)
2EELi Pan, Joao A. C. Lima, Nael F. Osman: Fast Tracking of Cardiac Motion Using 3D-HARP. IPMI 2003: 611-622
1EEJeffrey Wallace, Homayoun Mozaffari-Naeini, Li Pan, Nitish V. Thakor: Fuzzy C-means Clustering Analysis to Monitor Tissue Perfusion with Near Infrared Imaging. MICCAI 2001: 1213-1214

Coauthor Index

1Yi-hong Dong [10]
2Rui Jiang [3] [4]
3Jian-Hua Li [3] [4]
4Li Li [8] [11]
5Joao A. C. Lima [2]
6Homayoun Mozaffari-Naeini [1]
7Nael F. Osman [2]
8Xiaoying Tai [10]
9Nitish V. Thakor [1]
10Jeffrey Wallace [1]
11Shumei Wang [9]
12Zhicheng Wang [9] [13]
13Gang Wei [9]
14Xiaochun Yang [12]
15Weidong Zhao [9] [12] [13]
16Hong Zheng [5] [7] [8] [11]
17Xinmin Zhou [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)