
Nael F. Osman

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12EEMartina Marinelli, Vincenzo Positano, Nael F. Osman, Fabio A. Recchia, Massimo Lombardi, Luigi Landini: Automatic filter design in HARP analysis of tagged magnetic resonance images. ISBI 2008: 1429-1432
11EETamer A. Yousef, Nael F. Osman: Effect of Noise and Slice Profile on Strain Quantifications of Strain Encoding (SENC) MRI. FIMH 2007: 50-59
10EEEl-Sayed Ibrahim, Amy Spooner, Robert G. Weiss, Matthias Stuber, Dara L. Kraitchman, Nael F. Osman: Identifying different heart tissues from combined functional and viability MRI images. ISBI 2006: 129-132
9EEKhaled Z. Abd-Elmoniem, Matthias Stuber, Nael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince: ZHARP: Three-Dimensional Motion Tracking from a Single Image Plane. IPMI 2005: 639-651
8 El-Sayed Ibrahim, Nael F. Osman: A Technique for Improving Tag Contrast Persistence in SSFP MRI Imaging Using Adaptive Flip Angle. ISBI 2004: 1051-1054
7 Smita Sampath, Nael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince: Imaging the Evolution of Three-Dimensional Myocardial Strains using a Fast MR Imaging Technique. ISBI 2004: 624-627
6EELi Pan, Joao A. C. Lima, Nael F. Osman: Fast Tracking of Cardiac Motion Using 3D-HARP. IPMI 2003: 611-622
5EEAhmed S. Fahmy, Nael F. Osman: Determining the through-plane resolution of strain-encoded MRI. ISBI 2002: 919-922
4 Nael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince: On the Design of the Bandpass Filters in Harmonic Phase MRI. ICIP 2000
3 Nael F. Osman, Elliot R. McVeigh, Jerry L. Prince: Imaging Heart Motion Using Harmonic Phase MRI. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19(3): 186-202 (2000)
2 Nael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince: Angle Images for Measuring Heart Motion from Tagged MRI. ICIP (1) 1998: 704-708
1EENael F. Osman, Jerry L. Prince: Reconstruction of Vector Fields in Bounded Domain Vector Tomography. ICIP (1) 1997: 476-479

Coauthor Index

1Khaled Z. Abd-Elmoniem [9]
2Ahmed S. Fahmy [5]
3El-Sayed Ibrahim [8] [10]
4Dara L. Kraitchman [10]
5Luigi Landini (L. Landini) [12]
6Joao A. C. Lima [6]
7Massimo Lombardi [12]
8Martina Marinelli [12]
9Elliot R. McVeigh [3]
10Li Pan [6]
11Vincenzo Positano [12]
12Jerry L. Prince [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [9]
13Fabio A. Recchia [12]
14Smita Sampath [7]
15Amy Spooner [10]
16Matthias Stuber [9] [10]
17Robert G. Weiss [10]
18Tamer A. Yousef [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)