
Themis Palpanas

Themistoklis Palpanas

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24EEThemis Palpanas, Jakka Sairamesh: Knowledge Mining for the Business Analyst. DEXA 2008: 770-778
23EEThemis Palpanas, Junaid Ahsenali Chaudhry, Periklis Andritsos, Yannis Velegrakis: Entity Data Management in OKKAM. DEXA Workshops 2008: 729-733
22EEJunaid Ahsenali Chaudhry, Themis Palpanas, Periklis Andritsos, Antonio Maña: Entity Lifecycle Management for OKKAM. IRSW 2008
21EEFlorian Daniel, Fabio Casati, Themis Palpanas, Oleksiy Chayka: Managing Data Quality in Business Intelligence Applications. QDB/MUD 2008: 133-143
20EEFerry Irawan Tantono, Nishad Manerikar, Themis Palpanas: Efficiently Discovering Recent Frequent Items in Data Streams. SSDBM 2008: 222-239
19EEBarbara Bazzanella, Junaid Ahsenali Chaudhry, Themis Palpanas, Heiko Stoermer: Towards a General Entity Representation Model. SWAP 2008
18EEThemis Palpanas, Nick Koudas, Alberto O. Mendelzon: On space constrained set selection problems. Data Knowl. Eng. 67(1): 200-218 (2008)
17EEThemis Palpanas, Michail Vlachos, Eamonn J. Keogh, Dimitrios Gunopulos: Streaming Time Series Summarization Using User-Defined Amnesic Functions. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(7): 992-1006 (2008)
16 Themis Palpanas, Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos: Online Distribution Estimation for Streaming Data: Framework and Applications. SEBD 2007: 430-438
15EEIoana Stanoi, George A. Mihaila, Themis Palpanas, Christian A. Lang: WhiteWater: Distributed Processing of Fast Streams. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(9): 1214-1226 (2007)
14EEThemis Palpanas, Pawan Chowdhary, George A. Mihaila, Florian Pinel: Integrated model-driven dashboard development. Information Systems Frontiers 9(2-3): 195-208 (2007)
13EEIoana Stanoi, George A. Mihaila, Themis Palpanas, Christian A. Lang: Maximizing the sustained throughput of distributed continuous queries. CIKM 2006: 834-835
12EEPawan Chowdhary, Themis Palpanas, Florian Pinel, Shyh-Kwei Chen, Frederick Y. Wu: Model-Driven Dashboards for Business Performance Reporting. EDOC 2006: 374-386
11EESharmila Subramaniam, Vana Kalogeraki, Themis Palpanas: Distributed Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Homogeneous Regions in Sensor Networks. RTSS 2006: 401-411
10EESharmila Subramaniam, Themis Palpanas, Dimitris Papadopoulos, Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos: Online Outlier Detection in Sensor Data Using Non-Parametric Models. VLDB 2006: 187-198
9EEThemis Palpanas, Nick Koudas, Alberto O. Mendelzon: Using Datacube Aggregates for Approximate Querying and Deviation Detection. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(11): 1465-1477 (2005)
8EEThemistoklis Palpanas, Michail Vlachos, Eamonn J. Keogh, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Wagner Truppel: Online Amnesic Approximation of Streaming Time Series. ICDE 2004: 338-349
7EEEamonn J. Keogh, Themis Palpanas, Victor B. Zordan, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Marc Cardle: Indexing Large Human-Motion Databases. VLDB 2004: 780-791
6EEPanayiotis Tsaparas, Themistoklis Palpanas, Yannis Kotidis, Nick Koudas, Divesh Srivastava: Ranked Join Indices. ICDE 2003: 277-
5EEThemistoklis Palpanas, Nick Koudas, Alberto O. Mendelzon: Space Constrained Selection Problems for Data Warehouses and Pervasive Computing. SSDBM 2003: 55-64
4EEThemistoklis Palpanas, Dimitris Papadopoulos, Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos: Distributed deviation detection in sensor networks. SIGMOD Record 32(4): 77-82 (2003)
3EEThemistoklis Palpanas, Richard Sidle, Roberta Cochrane, Hamid Pirahesh: Incremental Maintenance for Non-Distributive Aggregate Functions. VLDB 2002: 802-813
2 Themistoklis Palpanas, Nick Koudas: Entropy Based Approximate Querying and Exploration of Datacubes. SSDBM 2001: 81-90
1EEThemistoklis Palpanas: Knowledge Discovery in Data Warehouses. SIGMOD Record 29(3): 88-100 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Periklis Andritsos [22] [23]
2Barbara Bazzanella [19]
3Marc Cardle [7]
4Fabio Casati [21]
5Junaid Ahsenali Chaudhry [19] [22] [23]
6Oleksiy Chayka [21]
7Shyh-Kwei Chen [12]
8Pawan Chowdhary [12] [14]
9Roberta Cochrane [3]
10Florian Daniel [21]
11Dimitrios Gunopulos [4] [7] [8] [10] [16] [17]
12Vana Kalogeraki [4] [10] [11] [16]
13Eamonn J. Keogh [7] [8] [17]
14Yannis Kotidis [6]
15Nick Koudas [2] [5] [6] [9] [18]
16Christian A. Lang [13] [15]
17Antonio Maña (Antonio Mana) [22]
18Nishad Manerikar [20]
19Alberto O. Mendelzon [5] [9] [18]
20George A. Mihaila [13] [14] [15]
21Dimitris Papadopoulos [4] [10]
22Florian Pinel [12] [14]
23Hamid Pirahesh [3]
24Jakka Sairamesh [24]
25Richard Sidle [3]
26Divesh Srivastava [6]
27Ioana Stanoi (Ioana Roxana Stanoi) [13] [15]
28Heiko Stoermer [19]
29Sharmila Subramaniam [10] [11]
30Ferry Irawan Tantono [20]
31Wagner Truppel [8]
32Panayiotis Tsaparas [6]
33Yannis Velegrakis [23]
34Michail Vlachos [8] [17]
35Frederick Y. Wu [12]
36Victor B. Zordan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)