
Robyn A. Owens

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35EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Keypoint Detection and Local Feature Matching for Textured 3D Face Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 79(1): 1-12 (2008)
34EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Keypoint Identification and Feature-Based 3D Face Recognition. ICB 2007: 163-171
33EES. M. S. Islam, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens, R. Davies: Biometric Approaches of 2D-3D Ear and Face: A Survey. SCSS (1) 2007: 509-514
32EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: An Efficient Multimodal 2D-3D Hybrid Approach to Automatic Face Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(11): 1927-1943 (2007)
31EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Automatic 3D Face Detection, Normalization and Recognition. 3DPVT 2006: 735-742
30EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: 2D and 3D Multimodal Hybrid Face Recognition. ECCV (3) 2006: 344-355
29EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Face Recognition Using 2D and 3D Multimodal Local Features. ISVC (1) 2006: 860-870
28EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Three-Dimensional Model-Based Object Recognition and Segmentation in Cluttered Scenes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(10): 1584-1601 (2006)
27EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: A Novel Representation and Feature Matching Algorithm for Automatic Pairwise Registration of Range Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 66(1): 19-40 (2006)
26EEEun-Jung Holden, Gareth Lee, Robyn A. Owens: Automatic Recognition of Colloquial Australian Sign Language. WACV/MOTION 2005: 183-188
25EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: 3D Recognition and Segmentation of Objects in Cluttered Scenes. WACV/MOTION 2005: 8-13
24EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Automatic Correspondence for 3d Modeling: an Extensive Review. International Journal of Shape Modeling 11(2): 253-291 (2005)
23EEEun-Jung Holden, Gareth Lee, Robyn A. Owens: Australian sign language recognition. Mach. Vis. Appl. 16(5): 312-320 (2005)
22 Kesaraporn Techapichetvanich, Amitava Datta, Robyn A. Owens: HDDV: Hierarchical Dynamic Dimensional Visualization for Multidimensional Data. Databases and Applications 2004: 157-162
21EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Matching Tensors for Automatic Correspondence and Registration. ECCV (2) 2004: 495-505
20 Ajmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: Performance analysis of an improved tensor based correspondence algorithm for automatic 3d modeling. ICIP 2004: 1951-1954
19EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: A novel algorithm for automatic 3D model-based free-form object recognition. SMC (7) 2004: 6348-6353
18EEAjmal S. Mian, Mohammed Bennamoun, Robyn A. Owens: From Unordered Range Images to 3D Models: A Fully Automatic Multiview Correspondence Algorithm. TPCG 2004: 162-166
17 J. C. Wong, Eun-Jung Holden, Nick Lowe, Robyn A. Owens: Real-time Facial Expressions in the Auslan Tuition System. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 7-12
16EEEun-Jung Holden, Robyn A. Owens: Recognising moving hand shapes. ICIAP 2003: 14-19
15EEAmitava Datta, Subbiah Soundaralakshmi, Robyn A. Owens: Fast Sorting Algorithms on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(3): 212-222 (2002)
14EEAmitava Datta, Robyn A. Owens, Subbiah Soundaralakshmi: Fast Sorting on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1110-1117
13EEEun-Jung Holden, Robyn A. Owens: Visual Sign Language Recognition. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 2000: 270-288
12EENicola Ritter, Robyn A. Owens, Paul P. Van Saarloos, James R. Cooper: Location of the Pupil-Iris Border in Slit-Lamp Images of the Cornea. ICIAP 1999: 740-745
11 Nicola Ritter, Robyn A. Owens, James R. Cooper, Robert H. Eikelboom, Paul P. Van Saarloos: Registration of Stereo and Temporal Images of the Retina. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 18(5): 404-418 (1999)
10EED. Q. Huynh, Robyn A. Owens, P. E. Hartmann: Calibrating a Structured Light Stripe System: A Novel Approach. International Journal of Computer Vision 33(1): 73-86 (1999)
9EETristan Lewis, Robyn A. Owens, Adrian J. Baddeley: Averaging feature maps. Pattern Recognition 32(9): 1615-1630 (1999)
8 Nicola Ritter, Robyn A. Owens, K. Yogesan, Paul P. Van Saarloos: The Application of Mutual Information to the Registration of Stereo and Temporal Images of the Retina. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 67-76
7EEBen Robbins, Robyn A. Owens: 2D feature detection via local energy. Image Vision Comput. 15(5): 353-368 (1997)
6EEDale L. Wilson, Adrian J. Baddeley, Robyn A. Owens: A New Metric for Grey-Scale Image Comparison. International Journal of Computer Vision 24(1): 5-17 (1997)
5 Brian Y. K. Aw, Robyn A. Owens, John Ross: A Catalog of 1-D Features in Natural Images. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 56(2): 173-181 (1994)
4EED. Q. Huynh, Robyn A. Owens: Line labelling and region segmentation in stereo image pairs. Image Vision Comput. 12(4): 213-225 (1994)
3EERobyn A. Owens: Feature-free images. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(1): 35-44 (1994)
2 Brian Y. K. Aw, Robyn A. Owens, John Ross: Image Compression and Reconstruction Using a 1-D Feature Catalogue. ECCV 1992: 749-753
1EESvetha Venkatesh, Robyn A. Owens: On the classification of image features. Pattern Recognition Letters 11(5): 339-349 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Brian Y. K. Aw [2] [5]
2Adrian J. Baddeley [6] [9]
3Mohammed Bennamoun [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]
4James R. Cooper [11] [12]
5Amitava Datta [14] [15] [22]
6R. Davies [33]
7Robert H. Eikelboom [11]
8P. E. Hartmann [10]
9Eun-Jung Holden [13] [16] [17] [23] [26]
10D. Q. Huynh [4] [10]
11S. M. S. Islam [33]
12Gareth Lee [23] [26]
13Tristan Lewis [9]
14Nick Lowe [17]
15Ajmal S. Mian [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35]
16Nicola Ritter [8] [11] [12]
17Ben Robbins [7]
18John Ross [2] [5]
19Paul P. Van Saarloos [8] [11] [12]
20Subbiah Soundaralakshmi [14] [15]
21Kesaraporn Techapichetvanich [22]
22Svetha Venkatesh [1]
23Dale L. Wilson [6]
24J. C. Wong [17]
25K. Yogesan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)