
Oliver Otto

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10EERobin Wolff, David J. Roberts, Anthony Steed, Oliver Otto: A review of telecollaboration technologies with respect to closely coupled collaboration. IJCAT 29(1): 11-26 (2007)
9EEDavid J. Roberts, Ilona Heldal, Oliver Otto, Robin Wolff: Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments. Virtual Reality 10(2): 119-133 (2006)
8 David J. Roberts, Robin Wolff, Oliver Otto: Supporting a Closely Coupled Task between a Distributed Team: Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technology. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 24(1): (2005)
7EERobin Wolff, David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto: Collaboration around Shared Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments. DS-RT 2004: 206-209
6 David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto, Robin Wolff: Pushmepullyou: The Reality of Interaction with Shared Objects in Networked Walk-in Displays. ISCA PDCS 2004: 470-477
5 Marcel Seelig, William S. Harwin, David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto, Robin Wolff: A Haptic Interface for Linked Immersive and Desktop Displays: Maintaining Sufficient Frame Rate for Haptic Rendering. ISCA PDCS 2004: 478-483
4EEDavid J. Roberts, Robin Wolff, Oliver Otto, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Christoph Anthes, Anthony Steed: Supporting social human communication between distributed walk-in displays. VRST 2004: 81-88
3 Robin Wolff, David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto: A Study of Event Traffic During the Shared Manipulation of Objects Within a Collaborative Virtual Environment. Presence 13(3): 251-262 (2004)
2EEOliver Otto, David J. Roberts: Importance of Communication Influences on a Highly Collaborative Task. DS-RT 2003: 195-202
1 David J. Roberts, Robin Wolff, Oliver Otto, Anthony Steed: Constructing a Gazebo: Supporting Team Work in a Tightly Coupled, Distributed Task in Virtual Reality. Presence 12(6): 644-657 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Anthes [4]
2William S. Harwin (William Harwin) [5]
3Ilona Heldal [9]
4Dieter Kranzlmüller [4]
5David J. Roberts [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Marcel Seelig [5]
7Anthony Steed [1] [4] [10]
8Robin Wolff [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)