
Ron Oliver

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12 Jan Herrington, Thomas C. Reeves, Ron Oliver: Immersive Learning Technologies: Realism and Online Authentic Learning. J. Computing in Higher Education 19(1): 80-99 (2007)
11 Ron Oliver, Ralph Wirski, Lisa Wait, Vivienne Blanksby: Learning Designs and Learning Objects: Where Pedagogy Meets Technology. ICCE 2005: 330-337
10 Ron Oliver: Using a Blended Learning Approach to Support Problem-Based Learning with First Year Students in Large Undergraduate Classes. ICCE 2005: 848-851
9 Ron Oliver, Jan Herrington: Factors influencing quality online learning experiences. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 129-136
8EEHermann A. Maurer, Ron Oliver: The Future of PCs and Implications on Society. J. UCS 9(4): 300-308 (2003)
7 Jan Herrington, Ron Oliver, Thomas C. Reeves: Patterns of engagement in authentic online learning environments. ASCILITE 2002: 279-286
6 Shirley Agostinho, Ron Oliver, Barry Harper, John G. Hedberg, Sandra Wills: A tool to evalutate the potential for an ict-based learning design to foster "high-quality learning". ASCILITE 2002: 29-38
5 Joe Luca, Ron Oliver: Developing an instructional design strategy to support generic skills development. ASCILITE 2002: 401-411
4 John G. Hedberg, Ron Oliver, Barry Harper, Sandra Wills, Shirley Agostinho: Implementing Generic Learning Designs Based upon Quality Exemplars. ICCE 2002: 1011-1016
3EERon Oliver, Arshad Omari: Student responses to collaborating and learning in a web-based environment. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 17(1): 34-47 (2001)
2 Martyn Wild, Lyn Henderson, Janice M. Burn, Ron Oliver, Sue Stoney: Cultural Implications in the World Wide Web: A Case for Research. WebNet 1997
1 Ron Oliver, Helen Oliver: Using Context to Promote Learning from Information-Seeking Tasks. JASIS 48(6): 519-526 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Shirley Agostinho [4] [6]
2Vivienne Blanksby [11]
3Janice M. Burn [2]
4Barry Harper [4] [6]
5John G. Hedberg [4] [6]
6Lyn Henderson [2]
7Jan Herrington [7] [9] [12]
8Joe Luca [5]
9Hermann A. Maurer [8]
10Helen Oliver [1]
11Arshad Omari [3]
12Thomas C. Reeves [7] [12]
13Sue Stoney [2]
14Lisa Wait [11]
15Martyn Wild [2]
16Sandra Wills [4] [6]
17Ralph Wirski [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)