
Kenji Okajima

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9EEHitoshi Imaoka, Kenji Okajima: An Algorithm for the Detection of Faces on the Basis of Gabor Features and Information Maximization. Neural Computation 16(6): 1163-1191 (2004)
8EEKenji Okajima: Binocular disparity encoding cells generated through an Infomax based learning algorithm. Neural Networks 17(7): 953-962 (2004)
7 Kenji Okajima, Hitoshi Imaoka: A Complex Cell-Like Receptive Field Obtained by Information Maximization. Neural Computation 13(3): 547-562 (2001)
6EEKenji Okajima: An Infomax-based learning rule that generates cells similar to visual cortical neurons. Neural Networks 14(9): 1173-1180 (2001)
5EEYue Kuo, Kenji Okajima, Masatomo Takeichi: Plasma processing in the fabrication of amorphous silicon thin-film-transistor arrays. IBM Journal of Research and Development 43(1): 73-88 (1999)
4 Kenji Okajima: "Complex Receptive Field" Obtained by Infomax Coincides with the Energy Model for Complex Cells in the Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 657-660
3EEKenji Okajima: The Gabor function extracts the maximum information from input local signals. Neural Networks 11(3): 435-439 (1998)
2EEKenji Okajima: Two-dimensional Gabor-type receptive field as derived by mutual information maximization. Neural Networks 11(3): 441-447 (1998)
1EEKenji Okajima: A model visual cortex incorporating intrinsic horizontal neuronal connections. Neural Networks 9(2): 211-222 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Hitoshi Imaoka [7] [9]
2Yue Kuo [5]
3Masatomo Takeichi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)