
Julius Fabian Ohmer

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5EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Nicholas J. Redding: GPU-Accelerated KLT Tracking with Monte-Carlo-Based Feature Reselection. DICTA 2008: 234-241
4EENicholas J. Redding, Julius Fabian Ohmer, Judd Kelly, Tristrom Cooke: Cross-Matching via Feature Matching for Camera Handover with Non-overlapping Fields of View. DICTA 2008: 343-350
3EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Peter G. Perry, Nicholas J. Redding: GPU-Accelerated Background Generation Algorithm with Low Latency. DICTA 2007: 547-554
2EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Frédéric Maire, Ross Brown: Real-Time Tracking with Non-Rigid Geometric Templates Using the GPU. CGIV 2006: 200-206
1EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Frédéric Maire, Ross Brown: Implementation of Kernel Methods on the GPU. DICTA 2005: 78

Coauthor Index

1Ross Brown [1] [2]
2Tristrom Cooke [4]
3Judd Kelly [4]
4Frédéric Maire [1] [2]
5Peter G. Perry [3]
6Nicholas J. Redding [3] [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)