
Ross Brown

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18 Alfredo Nantes, Ross Brown, Frédéric Maire: A Framework for the Semi-Automatic Testing of Video Games. AIIDE 2008
17EEAndrew Tan, Binh Pham, Jinglan Zhang, Ross Brown: A collaborative framework for simultaneous and seamless 3D graphics manipulation. MoMM 2008: 206-210
16EEAlexander Streit, Binh Pham, Ross Brown: A Spreadsheet Approach to Facilitate Visualization of Uncertainty in Information. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(1): 61-72 (2008)
15EESimon Joslin, Ross Brown, Penny Drennan: The gameplay visualization manifesto: a framework for logging and visualization of online gameplay data. Computers in Entertainment 5(3): (2007)
14EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Frédéric Maire, Ross Brown: Real-Time Tracking with Non-Rigid Geometric Templates Using the GPU. CGIV 2006: 200-206
13EEAlexander Streit, Binh Pham, Ross Brown: Visualization Support for Managing Large Business Process Specifications. Business Process Management 2005: 205-219
12EEJulius Fabian Ohmer, Frédéric Maire, Ross Brown: Implementation of Kernel Methods on the GPU. DICTA 2005: 78
11EEKieren Lord, Ross Brown: Using genetic algorithms to optimise triangle strips. GRAPHITE 2005: 169-176
10EERoss Brown, Binh Pham, Olivier Y. de Vel: Design of a Digital Forensics Image Mining System. KES (3) 2005: 395-404
9EERoss Brown, Binh Pham: Image Mining and Retrieval Using Hierarchical Support Vector Machines. MMM 2005: 446-451
8EERoss Brown, Hye-Young Paik: Resource-Centric Worklist Visualisation. OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 94-111
7EEBinh T. Pham, Ross Brown: Visualisation of fuzzy systems: requirements, techniques and framework. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(7): 1199-1212 (2005)
6EERoss Brown: Animated visual vibrations as an uncertainty visualisation technique. GRAPHITE 2004: 84-89
5EEBinh Pham, Ross Brown: Analysis of visualisation requirements for fuzzy systems. GRAPHITE 2003: 181-188
4EERoss Brown, Luke Cooper, Binh Pham: Visual attention-based polygon level of detail management. GRAPHITE 2003: 55-62
3EERoss Brown, Binh Pham, Anthony J. Maeder: Visual importance-biased image synthesis animation. GRAPHITE 2003: 63-70
2EEBinh Pham, Ross Brown: Multi-agent Approach for Visualisation of Fuzzy Systems. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 995-1004
1 Ross Brown, Binh Pham, Anthony J. Maeder: A Fuzzy Logic Model of Visual Importance for Efficient Image Synthesis. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1400-1403

Coauthor Index

1Luke Cooper [4]
2Penny Drennan [15]
3Simon Joslin [15]
4Kieren Lord [11]
5Anthony J. Maeder [1] [3]
6Frédéric Maire [12] [14] [18]
7Alfredo Nantes [18]
8Julius Fabian Ohmer [12] [14]
9Hye-Young Paik [8]
10Binh Pham (Binh T. Pham) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [13] [16] [17]
11Alexander Streit [13] [16]
12Andrew Tan [17]
13Olivier Y. de Vel [10]
14Jinglan Zhang [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)