
Tristrom Cooke

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9EENicholas J. Redding, Julius Fabian Ohmer, Judd Kelly, Tristrom Cooke: Cross-Matching via Feature Matching for Camera Handover with Non-overlapping Fields of View. DICTA 2008: 343-350
8EETristrom Cooke: Two Applications of Graph-Cuts to Image Processing. DICTA 2008: 498-504
7EETristrom Cooke: An Empirical Analysis of Errors in Structure from Motion. DICTA 2007: 151-158
6EETristrom Cooke, Marco Martorella, Brett Haywood, Danny Gibbins: Use of 3D ship scatterer models from ISAR image sequences for target recognition. Digital Signal Processing 16(5): 523-532 (2006)
5EEFeng Rice, Tristrom Cooke, Danny Gibbins: Model based ISAR ship classification. Digital Signal Processing 16(5): 628-637 (2006)
4EETristrom Cooke, Robert Whatmough: Using Learning Algorithms to Improve Corner Detection. DICTA 2005: 54
3EETristrom Cooke, Robert Whatmough: Evaluation of Corner Detectors for Structure from Motion Problems. DICTA 2005: 77
2EETristrom Cooke: Two Variations on Fisher's Linear Discriminant for Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(2): 268-273 (2002)
1 Jingxin Zhang, Jim Schroeder, Tristrom Cooke, Nicholas J. Redding, Tahong Tang: Singular value features of images. VCIP 2000: 894-903

Coauthor Index

1Danny Gibbins [5] [6]
2Brett Haywood [6]
3Judd Kelly [9]
4Marco Martorella [6]
5Julius Fabian Ohmer [9]
6Nicholas J. Redding [1] [9]
7Feng Rice [5]
8Jim Schroeder [1]
9Tahong Tang [1]
10Robert Whatmough [3] [4]
11Jingxin Zhang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)