
Takenao Ohkawa

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28EETomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Mining Correlated Pairs of Patterns in Multidimensional Structured Databases. ICDM Workshops 2008: 275-282
27EETsubasa Yamamoto, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Discovery of Internal and External Hyperclique Patterns in Complex Graph Databases. ICDM Workshops 2008: 301-309
26EETomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Mining Correlated Subgraphs in Graph Databases. PAKDD 2008: 272-283
25EEHitohiro Shiozaki, Koji Eguchi, Takenao Ohkawa: Entity Network Prediction Using Multitype Topic Models. PAKDD 2008: 705-714
24EETomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Mining Mutually Dependent Ordered Subtrees in Tree Databases. PAKDD Workshops 2008: 75-86
23EESatoshi Koizumi, Keisuke Imada, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Extraction of Binding Sites in Proteins by Searching for Similar Local Molecular Surfaces. PRIB 2008: 87-97
22EEYasuhiro Kiuchi, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Partial Geometric Hashing for Retrieving Similar Interaction Protein Using Profile. ITNG 2007: 589-596
21EETsubasa Yamamoto, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Discovery of Frequent Graph Patterns that Consist of the Vertices with the Complex Structures. MCD 2007: 143-156
20EETomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Efficiently Mining Closed Constrained Frequent Ordered Subtrees by Using Border Information. PAKDD 2007: 745-752
19 Nripendra Lal Shrestha, Takenao Ohkawa: Filtering Protein Surface Motifs Using Negative Instances of Active Sites Candidates. Analysis of Biological Data: A Soft Computing Approach 2007: 133-152
18EEHitohiro Shiozaki, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Mining Closed and Maximal Frequent Induced Free Subtrees. ICDM Workshops 2006: 14-18
17EETomoki Watanuma, Tomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Decision Tree Construction from Multidimensional Structured Data. ICDM Workshops 2006: 237-241
16EETomonobu Ozaki, Takenao Ohkawa: Efficient Mining of Closed Induced Ordered Subtrees in Tree-structured Databases. ICDM Workshops 2006: 279-283
15EEMariko Matsumoto, Yusuke Nonomura, Takenao Ohkawa: Automatic profile extraction based on frequency distribution of atoms for retrieving similar interaction protein. ISDA 2005: 14-19
14EENripendra Lal Shrestha, Youhei Kawaguchi, Tadasuke Nakagawa, Takenao Ohkawa: A Method of Filtering Protein Surface Motifs Based on Similarity Among Local Surfaces. IDEAL 2004: 39-45
13EETakenao Ohkawa, Yusuke Nonomura, Kenji Inoue: Logical Cluster Construction in a Grid Environment for Similar Protein Retrieval. SAINT Workshops 2004: 681-688
12EENripendra Lal Shrestha, Youhei Kawaguchi, Takenao Ohkawa: Sumomo: A Protein Surface Motif Mining Module. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 4(4): 431- (2004)
11 Yoshikazu Kaneta, M. Numa, Takenao Ohkawa: Automatic Extraction of Protein Active Site Information from Literature Using Template Matching and Anaphora Analysis. METMBS 2003: 100-106
10 Youhei Kawaguchi, Yoshikazu Kaneta, Takenao Ohkawa, Haruki Nakamura: Information Extraction from Semi-Structured Data in the Protein Data Bank by Induction of a Data Description Pattern. METMBS 2003: 94-99
9 Tadasuke Nakagawa, Takanori Tanaka, Takenao Ohkawa, Haruki Nakamura: A Filtering Method for High-Speed Retrieval of Similar Active Sites. JCIS 2002: 1207-1212
8 Yoshikazu Kaneta, Norimasa Shoji, Takenao Ohkawa, Haruki Nakamura: A Method of Comparing Protein Molecular Surface Based on Normal Vectors with Attributes and Its Application to Function Identification. JCIS 2002: 1213-1218
7EEYoshikazu Kaneta, Norimasa Shoji, Takenao Ohkawa, Haruki Nakamura: A method of comparing protein molecular surface based on normal vectors with attributes and its application to function identification. Inf. Sci. 146(1-4): 41-54 (2002)
6EETadasuke Nakagawa, Takanori Tanaka, Takenao Ohkawa, Haruki Nakamura: A filtering method for high-speed retrieval of similar active sites. Inf. Sci. 146(1-4): 55-65 (2002)
5 Takenao Ohkawa: Classification and Feature Extraction of Protein Structures Based on Structural Transformation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 8(4): 401-418 (1999)
4 Koji Tanaka, Takenao Ohkawa, Norihisa Komoda: Case Based Approach to the Construction of a Coal Molecular Structure Model. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 547-556
3 Norihiko Kugumiya, Shuji Soga, Takenao Ohkawa, Norihisa Komoda: Evaluation of Case-Oriented Planning Support System -SMAP- for Business System. SEKE 1995: 136-139
2 Takenao Ohkawa, Toshiaki Mori, Noboru Babaguchi, Yoshikazu Tezuka: Analogical Generalization. FGCS 1992: 497-504
1 Takenao Ohkawa, Toshiaki Mori, Noboru Babaguchi, Yoshikazu Tezuka: Class Directed Generalization. SCAI 1991: 266-276

Coauthor Index

1Noboru Babaguchi [1] [2]
2Koji Eguchi [25]
3Keisuke Imada [23]
4Kenji Inoue [13]
5Yoshikazu Kaneta [7] [8] [10] [11]
6Youhei Kawaguchi [10] [12] [14]
7Yasuhiro Kiuchi [22]
8Satoshi Koizumi [23]
9Norihisa Komoda [3] [4]
10Norihiko Kugumiya [3]
11Mariko Matsumoto [15]
12Toshiaki Mori [1] [2]
13Tadasuke Nakagawa [6] [9] [14]
14Haruki Nakamura [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
15Yusuke Nonomura [13] [15]
16M. Numa [11]
17Tomonobu Ozaki [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28]
18Hitohiro Shiozaki [18] [25]
19Norimasa Shoji [7] [8]
20Nripendra Lal Shrestha [12] [14] [19]
21Shuji Soga [3]
22Koji Tanaka [4]
23Takanori Tanaka [6] [9]
24Yoshikazu Tezuka [1] [2]
25Tomoki Watanuma [17]
26Tsubasa Yamamoto [21] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)