
T. Ohira

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6EET. Hunziker, Jacir Luiz Bordim, M. Taromaru, T. Ohira: Maximum-Likelihood Array Signal Decoding in the Presence of Block-Wise Stationary Cochannel Interference. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(4): 1476-1487 (2007)
5EEJ. Cheng, T. Ohira, K. Kamoi, Y. Watanabe: Spreading Set With Error Correction for Multiple-Access Adder Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(12): 5524-5529 (2006)
4EET. Hunziker, Jacir Luiz Bordim, T. Ohira, Shinsuke Tanaka: An Interference Avoidance Technique for Ad Hoc Networks Employing Array Antennas. ICT 2004: 43-52
3EET. Ohira: Emerging adaptive antenna techniques for wireless ad-hoc networks. ISCAS (4) 2001: 858-861
2EEK. Gyoda, Y. Kado, Y. Ohno, K. Hasuike, T. Ohira: WACNet - Wireless Ad-hoc Community Network. ISCAS (4) 2001: 862-865
1 Norihiko Ono, T. Ohira, Adel Torkaman Rahmani: Emergent Organization of Interspecies Communication in Q-Learning Artificial Organisms. ECAL 1995: 396-405

Coauthor Index

1Jacir Luiz Bordim [4] [6]
2J. Cheng [5]
3K. Gyoda [2]
4K. Hasuike [2]
5T. Hunziker [4] [6]
6Y. Kado [2]
7K. Kamoi [5]
8Y. Ohno [2]
9Norihiko Ono [1]
10Adel Torkaman Rahmani [1]
11Shinsuke Tanaka [4]
12M. Taromaru [6]
13Y. Watanabe [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)